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This problem needs to be addressed soon in order to maintain a supportive community

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by JDAR, 8 May 2017.


Does this need changing or are you happy

  1. Yes this needs a change

  2. I'm currently happy with the infamy system

  3. Your not very smart leave the forums JDAR

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. JDAR

    JDAR Active Member

    8 May 2017
    Hello Im JDAR and new to the game and forums! I just wanted to write a forums post about a problem i have noticed! The way infamy is rewarded is not right(in my opinion). Despite how well you play when the team loses you are treated the same as the worst player who did nothing to help the game progress at all. To me this seems unfair. You should be rewarded based on how you play not how your team plays (I'm not upset by having a bad team somtimes I make teams bad). Yes this is a team game so that should be a focus but if you have a bad team you shouldn't be punished (my opinion).
    My proposal is this and others will probably have better ideas!
    In every game the top player on each team regardless of wining or losing gains infamy. The 2nd top player receives half that. The 3rd top players does not win or lose infamy. The bottom 2 players lose infamy.
    But if you team wins you all gain infamy to some extent.
    This will still boost support for team play. Longer time alive = more damage = better score = more competition in games.
    Also as mentioned by others a little love towards fixers would be nice!:p

    Thanks if you read all that let me know whatcha think!:)
    Last edited: 13 May 2017
  2. Excism

    Excism Well-Known Member

    5 May 2017
    Where I want to be in my life!
    There would be a large inflantion of infamy then. A very large inflation, also people would not work together then. It becomes a free for all where your team mates are basically meat shields for you while you unload more damage. Healer would never be used at all.
  3. JDAR

    JDAR Active Member

    8 May 2017
    So what would you suggest or arw you happy with the way it is?
  4. donutsbb

    donutsbb New Member

    6 May 2017
    I see where you're coming from, perhaps they can try a weighted score system or just a plain score system.

    Weighted score system: everything you contribute to your team will be counted but some activities are not only harder but also aid the team in more ways therefore they would be weighted higher.
    Healing: 0.35 - Perhaps one of the more important weighting to determine as it will effectively set the "meta" for the game.
    Damage: 0.50 - Probably still one of the more straightforward ways you can help your team, therefore weighted the highest.
    Capturing: 0.20 - Depending if they want to stray away from a objective based game, they can change the weighting of this.

    Obviously these weightings would have to be experimented thoroughly in order to prevent severe exploitation (i.e people picking to do healing as it is ridiculously easy to do so, etc.)

    or perhaps if they feel like a normal score system would be more viable in this system, which is easier to understand and comprehend for typical gamers. Healing, damage and capturing would still count but the raw total would just be added up.

    ps. please add the friend system, soon!!
  5. JDAR

    JDAR Active Member

    8 May 2017
    Thanks for your detailed reply
  6. donutsbb

    donutsbb New Member

    6 May 2017
    More regarding on the issue of infamy, I feel like this is just an issue of the international launch. People will go into their respective infamy levels and you will soon be seeing people in your team and other team being at a similar skill level to you.
    JDAR and Mr squiqqle like this.
  7. Tatted

    Tatted New Member

    5 May 2017
    You lose you lose you win you win? Take your L, sailor. Climb the ladder
    Mr squiqqle likes this.
  8. Mr squiqqle

    Mr squiqqle Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    I like this. Coz in the end it IS just a game, and the challenge of climbing the ranks is what makes this game so addictive and fun. Don't wish to skip the fun part of earning and fighting your way up.. because there's no pride in achieving without working for it. It's not going to be handed to us on a silver platter. ;)
  9. Mr squiqqle

    Mr squiqqle Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Even before global launch, we had the issue of some really, really terrible teams. It's just the way the cookie crumbles. Sometimes it just comes down to bad luck, a bad game (yes, for the whole, or most of, the team) just being in the wrong spot at the wrong time, or a few lucky critical hits for the unfriends. Sometimes we just have to take the wins with the losses
  10. JDAR

    JDAR Active Member

    8 May 2017
    Yes I totally understand that and I like losing when people are better then me it's how I learn! But if your constantly being held back because you are not being given credit for what you do then what's the point of playing the game. It shouldn't just be a 50/50 chance of a good team or lucky shots it should be about skill and stratagy and of course fun!
  11. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It is frustrating to loose that way, but it does all balance out in time. Doesn't feel particularly awesome while it is balancing... but that's just how it goes.

    While it would be optimal to reward a player / penalize a player with infamy according to his/her performance in the game, it is EXTREMELY hard to measure performance accurately. Damage isn't the only contributing factor to winning. Healing, frosting, stunning, capturing, and lots of other factors need to be calculated. And each factor needs to be weighted differently as well in terms of contribution. Weighing those factors is almost impossibly hard, and being off by even a small percentage would mean unfair infamy gains / losses. People would quickly catch on to how to game the system and infamy would no longer be viable.

    Right now, the way infamy is rewarded the same for everybody means it is perfectly balanced in the long run, and avoids that whole mess all together.

    Just keep playing, and over time your infamy will rise for sure. It will balance out and you will achieve what you deserve. :)
    Jumppanen, Mr squiqqle, JDAR and 2 others like this.
  12. JDAR

    JDAR Active Member

    8 May 2017
    Thanks for your thoughts appreciate it
  13. Meeperton

    Meeperton New Member

    8 May 2017
    I am in 100% agreement that it's sad when you sink 3-4 ships solo and you have 1500-2500 damage with the runner up on your team doing 100-300 damage yet, you gain nothing. But what you are effectively asking for is a participation trophy. You shouldn't be rewarded remotely as much if you lose (which is how it is). I think the game is fine the way it is albeit it does suck to bust your butt just to have an afker or someone running into walls with no idea what they are doing gets killed with full health before they damage the enemy. It is what it is.
    JDAR likes this.
  14. MrStealUrGirl

    MrStealUrGirl New Member

    2 May 2017
    They should at least make so that you can invite more than 1 person to your fleet So we don't always get bad people.
    JDAR likes this.
  15. JDAR

    JDAR Active Member

    8 May 2017
    Yes that would be fine by me
  16. JDAR

    JDAR Active Member

    8 May 2017
    Idd be fine even if you didn't earn anything just stop punishing us for being the best on the team even if you lose
  17. OopsV1

    OopsV1 New Member

    4 May 2017
    Games Mostly
    United States
    All I can say is when I'm on a 10 losing streak and I've done 2500+ damage and other players on the team do like 200 and I lose -24 it makes me so made being on a team with people that just can't play the game......
    Adrian Palmer and JDAR like this.
  18. JDAR

    JDAR Active Member

    8 May 2017
    And that's exactly how I feel a fix is needed
  19. ThirstySeal

    ThirstySeal Member

    25 Apr 2017
    The game already calculates your contribution based on your ship class & how much you help the team. I do think infamy should be a little more weighted based on contribution. It's frustrating to be a heavy helper & maybe a shot or 2 away from victory, and lose as many points as if you'd just sat there. I think if your team loses, you should lose infamy, but not as much as if you lost while not contributing. Same with gaining infamy. It wouldn't be that hard an algorithm to implement.
    JDAR likes this.
  20. JDAR

    JDAR Active Member

    8 May 2017
    Pretty much every game I've ever played has had some way of dealing with this so i can't Imagine it would be that hard!

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