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This game is lacking a reset button

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by SpeederPro2k17, 11 Dec 2017.

  1. SpeederPro2k17

    SpeederPro2k17 New Member

    11 Dec 2017
    I think this game is missing a reset button where we can reset our account back to level 1. In addition there is no restore purchases button in this game. Most games i have played in the past has these options.
    I think maybe they should add a button to reset progress maybe somewhere in the upper levels. They can also simply create a account deletion button to serve the same purpose. The restore purchase option can be used only on the google or apple account that made those purchases provided that there is not an existing battle bay account. I think this will actually make it better in the long term because starting over is like prestiging in a FPS and makers the game fun again.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  2. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Yes! I'm constantly wanting to reset a years worth of progress without the 2 minute hassle of just creating a new account.
  3. SpeederPro2k17

    SpeederPro2k17 New Member

    11 Dec 2017
    How do you restore purchases onto a new account? It is not fair to restore purchases if your old account exists.
  4. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I've not made any purchases.
    So you want to reset progress and then immediately restore it? Like until you get the loadout you want?
    RNGesus wouldn't like that very much..
  5. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    I don't understand your thinking at all. In order to reset you have to reach a high captain level, which I think is at least lv 35+. In addition when you reset, you lose everything you earned up to date so all the hours you have played is lost. All you get back from restoring purchases is some pearls to help you RNG again. I don't even know if it is fair to restore vip. If you see how this can be abused let me know because I do not.
    I do agree though that if they can quickly restore progress and reset again that it is very abusable. But I think the OP is suggesting resets at intervals where it would take at least a few months before you can reach the level to reset again. Not really sure how this can work, but I do feel that if players are paying high amounts of money that they should have the ability to reset and restore at least the pearls they purchased. They lose so much in resetting all progress and gains from playing that I think even whales wouldn't have enough pearls to offset the balance. Idk, just my 2 cents
    Last edited: 12 Dec 2017

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