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these rudders and lubes.....

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by WaveRider_, 5 Mar 2018.


buff or no?

  1. ya (yes)

  2. nein (no)

  1. WaveRider_

    WaveRider_ Member

    26 Oct 2017
    they are soooo underrated it is actually sad.
    almost no one uses them, because they could be using a shield or turbo (like actual useful stuff)
    you have to get an epic lvl 10 rudder with 2 epic perks to notice a slight difference
    and no one has enough time and sugar/parts to waste on stuff that they literally cant see results for.

    i was thinking:
    make common rudders/lube = uncommon lvl, then uncommon = rare, etc. so people would actually use them.
    make the captain perks a hella load more powerful (like heaps)
    just make them more powerful in general by a generous amount of points.

    think about it...
    instead of having an extra 1000 hp, you have leik slightly faster aiming speed.... or, YAY, you can turn your boat a bit quicker. whats the point of getting a rudder without a turbo? you wont even be able to turn and run fast enough.
    most of the time, battles are long range anyways, so turret rotation isnt a big deal unless you want to shoot that speeder zipping around you, in which you would have exchanged the blue slot for your noice small shield for a gear lube instead.

    to sum it up, putting a gear lube or rudder is too big a sacrifice, with not enough of a reward.
    BUFF IT!
    twist it!
    pull it!
    (bop it reference)
  2. _devill

    _devill Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Pune, Maharashtra
    Devs can make rudder and lube a different class and give it 1 slot per ship. That way everyone will pile them up and it can be one of the most used items in the game. You can choose which one you want. I guess it won't affect the balance in general. If speeder gets a rudder (faster turns), shooters, fixers and defenders could use gear lube and get faster turrents.
    Oh and enfo will be getting a nerf or their turrents will go crazy.:D

    Edit: I don't want enfo nerf. At least not until they get an additional slot for rudder or gear lube.
  3. WaveRider_

    WaveRider_ Member

    26 Oct 2017
    i like the idea, and personally, i was thinking about it.
    but then, there would be only 4 blue items, and having its own personal slot wont make it special anymore.
    no sacrifice.
    but still, if you DO make that sacrifice, it should be worth it, y' know?
    StrictSalmon307 and _devill like this.
  4. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    We should be able to put those health/defense perks on any blue items imo. The blue items you equip are basically the ship itself after all.
    Scourge Argaen, WaveRider_ and Hokuse like this.
  5. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Before we buff anything else I'd like to look at debuffing Turbo. When 97% of the player base equips one item then you know you've done something wrong. That doesn't say an item is "popular". It says it is mandatory. In this case what is happening is the players are universally saying that boats -- ALL boats -- are simply too slow and that speed outweighs all other defenses. So before we look at buffing rudder & gear lube, I'd like to look at changes to turbo. I'd think about scaling the effects of turbo down and buffing the base speed of all ships. I'd do that a bit at a time and see when players started choosing something other than turbo.
  6. Terry Morgan

    Terry Morgan Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    I feel all boats should have same speed. Speeders and enfos have yellow slot to enhance their speed if they wish, or they can be normal speed utility boats, not both. Oh well that just seems too much like right to ever be implemented
  7. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    There is something to that but other speed items build off base speed so tiny differences become crucial. Although, you could just enhance the value of yellow items to compensate for a slower base speeder speed.
    FearsomeChicken likes this.
  8. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    This is similar to what I want with shields. The turbo and shields are too important and compared to other blue items are technically OP.
  9. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Nobody should mistake that I agree there are huge differences in the relative value of lube/rudder compared to shield/bandages and both fair poorly compared to turbo. I'm just wondering if there's an underlying root cause. Is it really true that rudder, for instance, is useless or is it just that the need for HP and speed is so pressing that nothing else can be substituted for it? In the end, rudder is 50% offensive and gear lube is 100%. I need my defense slots to provide defense because it is so desperately needed. So in my head I think, "what if they toned down weapon damage and healing by 10% and improved speed and health by 10%?" How would that change the choices people made in blue slots?
    *JAWS* and PastelPiku like this.
  10. kusura bakmayin

    kusura bakmayin Member

    10 Jan 2018
    As a Fixer, I use Rudder along with Overboost and Turbo for the following reasons: more HP from a shield just means you're a slightly more stuffing-filled punching bag, but you don't lose HP if you don't get hit. Rudder lets you turn corners and get out of the line of fire a lot more efficiently. It is impossible to effectively flee assassins in Wayward Pains without a Rudder, and even wide open maps involve fleeing around corners a lot of times. My agility with a level 10 epic Rudder is 37.7, which is tolerable, but 40 is about where you want to be for survivability purposes. I agree that Rudder needs a buff, because after 40 agility (which a T2 epic will easily reach) there are diminishing returns and no real reason to boost the stat further.

    The suggestion I liked the most is for the ability to cross-equip perks for a lower benefit, so blue items can take perks from other blue items for a lower effect (e.g. 5% turret boost when an epic turret perk is equipped on a Turbo/Rudder/Shield) or equip shield HP perks for full benefit. This way players could more finely tune their ship's stats to match their play style. Currently, it's an all-or-nothing approach, which makes for less flexible ships.
  11. sailor0703

    sailor0703 New Member

    19 Jan 2018
    I like the idea of it having another item slot just for gear lubes or rudders. The ships are way too slow, and not nearly agile enough, but shields are better to equip. So this would mean also no other changes(i.e. no fewer blue slots, no nerfing the ships or items as is, or anything else' besides buffing the rudders/gears). Also, though, gear lubes and rudders are kinda ineffective, and I imagine they will only be more so as I increase my ships' levels(as speed, agility, and gear decrease with each level, thus making the lubes and rudders give less increase, as the same percentage of a smaller number = a smaller increase). To compensate for this, I say maybe make each level of rudder/gear lube given a minimum effect number, rather than just a percentage, or maybe just make it numbers altogether, instead of percentages.
  12. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
  13. Hokuse

    Hokuse Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    These items are useful for sure. Rudder may be help you to dodge mortars, torps and blast/exp cannons that means it is better to save your health in some situations than even big shield. Gear lube can help you so much to take down speeders and enforcers too. But there is the problem on balance of the game. Sniper is too populer right now and dealing almost un-dodgeable too high damage the other side. That is exactly why we must use shields or bandages with no exceptions in our blue slots. We need take a security our ships against that long range weapons. If we don't, we can die without doing anything. Game's balance should be change first of all.
    FearsomeChicken and PastelPiku like this.
  14. WaveRider_

    WaveRider_ Member

    26 Oct 2017
    *comes back on forums 4 days after posting a small suggestion*
    wow guys this is great seriously. didnt think anyone would care.
    but i have read a lot of "make another separate slot"
    people would be forced to upgrade it to keep up with everyone elses stuff because everyone would have one. also if it had its own slot, they will still have the blue spt for their shield/bandage/turbo, sacrificeless, with free turn speed/turret speed.
  15. _devill

    _devill Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Pune, Maharashtra
    I guess using an item is better than placing it as useless item throughout the game. Most of the players go for shields, bandage or turbo. Having a separate slot will make these items usable and will improve the overall game play. Imo the 1 slot could only be kept for rudder and lube. You can still equip both but you will have to sacrifice one of the blues for it. There will be sacrifice but only for an advantage, and no loadout changes required. ;)
  16. Chronious

    Chronious New Member

    17 Jun 2017
    This is literally the only way to make these usable.
    WaveRider_, _devill and Ultrah like this.

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