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There should be more to cells!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Gnu, 3 Aug 2017.


Do you cells need more usage?

  1. Definetly!

    21 vote(s)
  2. They're just fine the way they are

    1 vote(s)
  3. Never

    0 vote(s)
  1. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    Item cells have become pretty useless in the later stages of the game. Im not talking about rares, epics or legendary cells.. We can leave those alone but with the common and uncommon cells.. Like they're just sitting there like floating ducks.. There is something that needs to happen with these useless sells. Hear me out here.

    You should see a photo attached to this thread. It shows how much common and uncommon cells i've gathered up since the parts and cells update was released and they're completely priceless at the moment for me in the late game because i don't use common or uncommon items anymore! No usage towards them whatsoever These cells need more love because they won't get anywhere if something doesn't make a change. This won't affect any of the lower players but with the lack of usage of these cells.. Im feel like i can throw them out in the garbage truck and not care about them.

    So how do i want the cells to be now?

    1. Convert cells into parts

    I want this to happen because parts are so annoying to get, i don't play this game as much as everyone does (I play until i complete my missions) but i tend to spend my gold quickly and don't have enough gold in the end to buy anything else.. Scrapping and buying parts is the main source of parts. I run out of rare parts quickly and of uncommon parts too. I would like to have an option to convert cells into parts as a way to using cells and not letting it go to waste.

    2. Upgrading cells E.G Common > Uncommon > Rare > Epic > Legendary

    The scrapping cells method developed from P0rthos uses a lot of sugar and parts. If you could upgrade cells to its next tier, it will save lots of time spamming the *upgrade button* until your uncommon item reaches lvl 21 and then you scrap it. Im not hating on his strategy but im just stating that it wastes valuable time.

    So overall cells need to be watched a bit more, they are not noticed and they need to be looked at again. Cells need to be brought up to their full potential as they're pretty useless, the only thing you can do is evolve items and that is absolutely it. Cells need to be great again! Or will they.


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: 3 Aug 2017
    Nikkie!, FALCO, aKifer and 4 others like this.
  2. Disguised

    Disguised Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    I totally agree. And converting uncommon/rare cells to parts would be really nice as I'm always running low on those two.
  3. Elurien

    Elurien Member

    5 Jul 2017
    Thats absolutly corect Gnu! You have me with your thread before. ;)
  4. Craigjnoble

    Craigjnoble Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    I would love it if you could use a whole bunch of them to change the rarity of an item.
    Like say for 300 cells you could improve the rarity.
    So if you had a rare/epic or legendary it would be possible to get a duplicate by levelling up a lower rarity.
    The cell cost would have to be high to limit the amount of items this could be done with and any item should be reverted back to level 1. So a tier 5 uncommon can't be changed to tier 5 legendary.
    But it would at least feel like you could gain a duplicate you were looking for even if it would take some time to get.
  5. lolawola

    lolawola Active Member

    8 May 2017
  6. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    Nikkie! likes this.
  7. disorder

    disorder Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    Like everyone, +1
    The next update will be interesting.
    Will they listen or not ?
    I Guess yes, repairbolt is a good example:
    2Slot, community shout, 1 slot now.

    But thats the biggest problem of rovio,
    Create content for please everyone. Give more reward (there is a wall now between f2p and p2w), etc.
  8. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    I agree with u
  9. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    Question of the thread: How would you change cells around to make them a very useful material?
    Nikkie! likes this.
  10. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    I think ur idea of having a rare part or even epic part (in a rarer event like scraping) should be there for ex 100 or 200 commons cells equals to rare part and 50 or 100 uncommon cells one for rare part sounds fair for f2p players

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