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The role of each ship

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by medicine_man, 5 Oct 2018.

  1. medicine_man

    medicine_man Member

    1 Aug 2018
    hi all, new players, veterans, etc. If you're like me, then you probably only play one ship (for me it's fixer), get really bored of it, then try to play another one, but not having the experience with that ship. well FEAR NOT! This guide is here to rectify that for you!
    As the shooty boat, it's your job to put out the raw DPS necessary to bring your team to victory! only problem is, you've got 3+ weapon slots, and you probably don't know what to do with them. I would most recommend dedicating at least two slots to a close range and long range weapon (eg. sniper cannon and grenade launcher). The remaining slot can go for whatever you want it to be. Want more long range capabilities? Try out a mortar! Want to be a pyromaniac? Try out a fire bomb or a flare gun! The possibilities are endless! For your blue slots, I'd recommend at least a shield and turbo for mk2-mk4 but once you hit mk5 you can run double turbo and a shield if you favor a faster ship, or you could beef up your defenses with double shield and a turbo!


    Enforcer is a kind of a mixed bag when it comes to playstyle, because of all the possible options you have access to, given the multiple blue, red, and yellow slots you are given. Enforcer is what you make of it! Want close range, raw offensive power? You can run grenade launchers, carronades, any weapon that really shines in close quarters! Want a more safe, longer range experience? Try out a sniper cannon or a mortar! For your yellow slots, I would recommend always to use an overboost, and you should use nitro on mk3, but once you get to mk4 I recommend switching out the nitro in favor of a tesla shield. You only get one blue item slot from mk1-mk3, and you get two points, so big shield is kind of a given when selecting a support item. But once you get to mk6 and above, you get a third point alongside a second slot so you can run a turbo alongside your big shield!

    Defender is the stereotypical "big health, slow speed" ship in this game. As defender, positioning is KEY. Do NOT try to take a flank or go away from your team. You get one to three weapon slots, so you really want something that does good damage over time, so you don't have to maneuver yourself around to get another shot. Fire weapons are good, those being the flare gun and firebomb, and I would recommend either a blast cannon or explosive cannon for your secondary/tertiary. You have access to many blue item slots and points, and you want to maximize your health, so again, big shields are welcome, just don't forget a turbo! Even with a turbo, defender struggles to get proper positioning. So that puts the responsibility on you. The enemy team is going to do their best to try and make you and your team's lives a living hell before you all die, and you have to figure out how to push defender's potential to the max and give them a taste of their own medicine.

    Speeder is one of those ships that attracts players that try to 1v5 the enemy team off a flank and die. Let me make this clear. As the Speeder, you are a DISTRACTION. You can still take flanks, but wait until your team initiates a fight so the enemies are distracted. This is where Speeder really shines. In the heat of battle, enemies are focused on the threats directly in front of them, and unless very vigilant, will not notice a speeder taking a flank around them. In order to capitalize on these moments, weapons like a big torpedo or a swift torpedo are really helpful due to the big torpedo's high damage output and the swift torpedo's fast speed, alongside grenade launchers, with their ability to set people on fire. You've always got to have a backup plan though, and a standard cannon or blast cannon can really help in a jam when your other weapon is on cooldown. In your yellow slots go an overboost, for the long distance covering, and a nitro for the quick escape possibilities. Once you hit mk5, you can use any of the other yellow items, like frost bolt/launcher in order to make targets easier to hit, or tesla bolt in order to make sure someone won't shoot you as you escape, or a tesla shield to cover your escape without needing to aim. Stick with your team, and when a fight starts, you better be ready to cause some chaos!

    As Fixer, you assume the role of healer, and throw out most offensive capabilities in favor of supporting your team. You have a grand total of 4 healing items to choose from, and 2 (being duct tape and repair box) are not really viable until you hit mk5. Up until then, I would recommend using repair pulse and repair bolt, pulse being for the (hopefully) team-wide healing, and bolt for the concentrated single teammate healing. I would recommend any of the cannons all the way through, flare gun, fire bomb, and any mortar are usually useful on fixer. You aren't the offensive class here, so spreading some damage on the enemy team with a mortar or fire bomb can really help in some scenarios! You only really get one yellow slot, so I would say either overboost, nitro, tesla bolt, or tesla shield (if you have enough points for it).

    That's everything! And, in the event I have forgotten something, feel free to comment your feedback down below! I'd love to hear what you guys think!
    Last edited: 5 Oct 2018
  2. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I just wanted someone to make a thread like this, so that I could post these links in one place:






    Balance has changed. But basics never change, folks.
  3. medicine_man

    medicine_man Member

    1 Aug 2018
    good man
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  4. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    Nice post!
    I'll try to add some stuff :)
    Mine and firebomb are really good on fixers, cannons are good as well. A carronade can be good for self defense whenever someone tries to flank.
    For blue items, small shield and turbo are the best combo, as bandage isn't really helpful (isn't very significant compared to self healing).
    Most fixers (me included) find overboost most useful. It can let you cover more distance faster than nitro.
    The best setup for me at mk5 was double bolt and pulse. Make sure you have the correct talents selected, stun removal and healing boost is most important for bolt.
    Stay behind your team and try to get your team to stick together.
    I always try to heal the player with lowest health first. Keeping teammates alive is your most important job!

    When you get to mk6/high infamy, double pulse is really good for self healing, as fixer usually doesn't have much hp. Or convert to selfish fixer :p
  5. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    I appreciate the work you put in .. and it's a good guide for newer or casual players.

    It's obviously not geared towards players wanting to make their way to NML as quickly and efficiently as possible, so I'll skip over those comments.

    But, fyi fixers can't equip a Tesla shield .. at any ship mark.

    Side note:
    I wouldn't mind imparting some of what I've learned about different ships, strategies, items, or the "best ways" (imo) to manage your inventory and build a ship with the leaderboard in mind ...

    But I'm not going to spend the time to write it up - since my time with BB is likely coming to an end - so someone shoot me a DM if you're interested in creating something like that. I can go through it all with you and provide replays.

    Check the leaderboard for my resume
    Last edited: 5 Oct 2018
  6. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    The certified badass has left the building:cool:

    I'll miss you, mate.
    Nikkie! likes this.
  7. medicine_man

    medicine_man Member

    1 Aug 2018
    press f to pay respects
  8. NeptuneGaming

    NeptuneGaming Well-Known Member

    23 May 2018
    Nikkie! likes this.
  9. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    awesome post!
    but this part is not true, mk4 and mk5 have only 2 blue slot points, you need mk6 or mk7 to use turbo and big shield
  10. medicine_man

    medicine_man Member

    1 Aug 2018
    thanks for that
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  11. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    I'd like add that enforcer should always focus on 1 point weapons. So save your 2 point weapons for the other ships or you will be losing some versatility. At early mk boats you get 2 slots and 3 points and you can run a 2 point weapon for small time, but in the long run its all 1 point weapons baby!
    *JAWS* and ShipCrusherCz like this.
  12. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    And now branches for each class ( my view dont be an ass)


    The coward long range spammer: mortar/firebomb spammers. Enough said.

    Close range Bois: very rare species, powerful if used right. WEAPONS: close range such as carro or grenade

    Mid rangers: can be hit by anything, but are typically leaders of the charge. WEAPONS: ideally, very powerful weapons

    TORPEDO SPAMMERS: powerful, requires no skill. However, someone getting close is detrimental, so pack a carronade.


    Double bubble: two Tesla shield assholes. Devs why won't you listen to community and nerf DBs ONLY

    stunner: stop using that Tesla bolt on me please

    Frost/ mortars: I don't get why you people think frost is trash, this combo is very good if used right. I'm talking about the undesireable mk2 in warrior 1.

    Speedforcer: slower speeder with insane agility


    Charger: typically really tanky, charges into the fray, draws attention, and causes chaos. Defenders are cool.

    True defender: an extremely tankt defender ( 10k mk5s), unfortunately very rare. Ideally has fire and blast/ex

    T1000 defender: bandage galore. Might actually be good with 5 T5 leggy bandages lol


    Duelist: ah, the humble duelist. Jesus Christ it's a duelist speeder. You get the idea. Strategically fights a single opponent, picking off enemies one by one. Watch out for carros

    Dumb scout: charges in, briefly giving your team an idea of where enemy is

    Good scout: flanks, fires off a shot or two and lets you know where enemy is in early battle.

    Assassin: targets high priority ships such as weaker unfriends, single unfriends, or fixers.

    Support: frost and fire, enough said


    Bolt Boi: triple repair bolt, got that?

    Average: pulse and two bolts

    Selfish: saved the worst for last. Triple duct tapes.
  13. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    We'll see where this new system goes before I officially call it quits.

    It's always the same with any game though. I'll spend money on a game to speed progress, but I'll quit the day that I'm forced to spend money to progress any further.
  14. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    The game is much simpler now to progress. Yes u can spend a bit to advance earlier. But my suggestion now to players is pick 3 weapons to get legendary achievements with. Then once accomplishms. Find another 3 to do this again. Do this as your mission till you have every red weapon legendary. Do not worry about levelling the weapons up. Just keep them level 1 thru 10. Only level up a legendary once you have the duplicate.

    Until then gather epics. Aim to have your favorite weapons Maxed level V.

    Until then...seriously do not focus on Infamy.
    Focus on events and guild questing. Learn tactics. Learn multiple ships. And multiple weapons.

    Once this is accomplished a good 8 months to a year will have passed. You will have good to great weapons. At least 2 legendary tier 2 weapons. 1 to 3 epic Maxed V weapons. And extra legendary 1 and epic tier 3 thru 4 weapons. You will be ready to compete and climb up in infamy.

    Grow 1 good Big Shield and 1 good Small shield. Minimum of Epic tier 4.

    This is all highly acheivable.

    Best of luck,

    Nikkie! likes this.
  15. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    This might be a bit ambitious. I’ve been playing over a year, and while I have a couple of legendary duplicates, the cost of upgrading them is ridiculous. I only have enough legendary parts to get one of them to t2, and that would be like level 12. Getting both to 20 is just not feasible outside of NML.

    For players like @xArrogance I think the problem is that t5 Epic is as high as they can go, without paying thousands. There is no other way to naturally progress to t3 Legendary or higher, without extreme luck, or potentially decades of waiting.
    Nikkie!, xArrogance and ShipCrusherCz like this.
  16. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Maybe. Arrogance did say he would spend some money.

    My bigger thought to all here is don't upgrade legendary weapons u receive in achievements until u have 2 of them and then only to level 11. And leave those their until u have 3 of them and to level 21.

    This same philosophy can be applied to rare and epic weapons. It uses the least amount of parts and pieces and items to go forward and progress. Then to take advantage of free to play events that have nothing to do with infamy.

    You still get damage achievements. And can spam shots over n over.

    This is a massive advantage to when I first started the game. No such thing as free weapons in the first year of game. I had to buy and earn everything.

    So if a new player won't take advantage of this... it's like leaving house casino money on the table and not cashing it in.

    Cash it in. Yes to do achievement on most reds is a month worth of time. That's why I said arm 3 of the the same weapon at same time. Pull out a shooter and start spamming shots. The goal now shouldn't be anything more that creating damage.

  17. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    I'll wait to see what this new system is before making any final decisions, but spending a month grinding (and tanking infamy) for the equivalent of 30 legendary parts and 1 power cell doesn't sound enjoyable to me .. but I can see how some would like it.

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