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The New Update Needed.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by NoTtIaN, 28 Feb 2018.


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  1. NoTtIaN

    NoTtIaN Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Make posts
    In your bed, computer, and screen
    So, me as a f2p person. I have a hard time getting parts, but I have way too many power cells. What if there was a way to convert power cells for gold/parts. I have like 300 epic power cells that just sit there. Useless. And maybe add a way to exchange gold for sugar (vise versa) but you lose a bit of profit every time you exchange.
    Also, maybe add a trading system for items and parts. Say, you want to buy someone's E cannon. And you have a B cannon that they need. You can exchange them and they have to click 'agree' to finish the exchange. You will now be able to exchange and everyone will be happy! :). you can only exchange between guild mates and friends. And, you cannot trade items above tier 1.
    For all the people who want to get rid of common and uncommon power cells, click yes!
    yellow flash likes this.
  2. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    If all of the text is big, none of it is big.

    Every single one of your ideas have already been posted on this forum ad nauseum. The power cell exchange is a good idea that has caught some traction elsewhere. A quick search would have told you that.

    Trading will never be implemented. That is a surefire way to wreck a game's economy and create a "black-market system".

    Exchanging resources would be nice, but wouldn't help that much. The only thing that would help is just making things cheaper to upgrade.
    Last edited: 28 Feb 2018
    The Otherguy likes this.
  3. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Nerfing of shooters and enforcers is needed.
    WarCream likes this.
  4. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    No. Stop nerfing every boat that assumes the meta role. Nerfing reduces the number of viable playstyles. Instead, BUFF the boats and playstyles that are not meta so that you increase the diversity.
  5. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    That was the thing I have been shouting since ages. Stop nerfing speeders and start buffing other boats.
    See now every speeder combo is nerfed. And new achievement thing is indirect buff to shooters as they get weapons quickly than other boats. And no yellow or blue item achievements either which are more useful to speeder.
    Being a assasin boat means that boat should be squishy, fast with burst damage and low cooldowns which isn't the case here.
  6. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Not that I am complaining before last update I have been seeing players which used to hover near 2.5k and were casual players ( not saying they aren't skilled) are now nearing nightmare league suddenly. Most of them shooters and enforcers.
    WarCream likes this.
  7. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Yup. Shooters and enforcers are definitely ruling the bay right now. But I don't think we should nerf them. I think we should buff their counters and alternatives.
    YerJokinArnYer and The Otherguy like this.
  8. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    The thing that countered shooters was stun. It was broken at start but multiple changes made it perfect. Like breaking when damaged the 2x stun immunity.
    Now the stun offers nothing life saving as it is always on cooldown or either broken or reduced by stun immunity so that speeders are not able to escape.
    The complete rework of yellow items and their talent trees is needed.
    The Otherguy and Warchin3 like this.
  9. What's Up Player

    What's Up Player Well-Known Member

    24 Jun 2017
    Thanks finally who uses brain here lol.

    Why are Enforcers and Shooters dominating the meta? Easy.
    Devs nerfed speeder so much (stun, explosive, frost) that almost every speeder player is switching to Enforcer. Plus explosive cannon had an impact on defender also, and many of them are switching to shooter.

    Both of them are overused nowadays, but it's not because they're op.

    In the next update I'd love to see some Defender, Speeder and Fixer buff.

    Oh and #nerfSniper
  10. noobkiller

    noobkiller New Member

    23 Feb 2018
    Speeder buff...never heard of this before...well this game need some time for such update....maybe till next blue moon.... fingers crossed
    WarCream likes this.
  11. baysider

    baysider Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    yes after nerf the ex cannon need to nerf items which require little to no aim or skill to use which players just spam all day (snipers, napalm, mines, firebomb for example)
    Blood Raven and PallabKumarS like this.
  12. Blood Raven

    Blood Raven Well-Known Member

    25 May 2017
    Software Developer
    Absolutely, all of the weapons you mentioned require little to no skill, just spam.
    Snipers are easy to hit thanks to a breath taking projectile speed. Its projectile speed could be lowered as that would require more skill to use at longer ranges. Also critic chance should be reduced. (am a sniper user myself.)
    Napalm well it aint that hard to go outside one napalm zone but BUT thanks to a very inappropriate cooldown-duration ratio of fire items, most users can span hordes of napalm across the maps as because you can initiate 2 napalm zones at a time from one single napalm weapon, disrupting large area. But it still isn't that op that it needs a nerf compared to firebomb.
    Firebomb ah well, genki gamers made a good video on the recent update but if there was one point i had to say was wrong was that they said firebomb recieved a great 'nerf'.
    That was exactly the opposite of what the update brought out. Thanks to the update, now firebombs do full damage and only the time gets reduced, and with this if you get 5-6 good firebombs your almost as good as dead in no time, while previously you could atleast deal some damage over time as the damage tho same was spread over a fixed duration.
    Seriously, firebombs were way balanced with the previous mechanism, also a good way to get stars, who told to buff them?
    And the last mines. Not gonna say more, but thats one single slot all luck no skill requiring weapon which does more damage than a big torpedo, which is a 2 slotter, some skill some luck requiring weapon.
    Epic t5s do 4-5k+ when maxed out in crew, aint that horribly too much for a one slot weapon?

    These are the things that should get nerfed, if there really should be any nerfs.
  13. #CK

    #CK Active Member

    23 Jul 2017
    drone pilot
    what's your suggestion for nerfing shooters and enforcers ?
  14. Warchin3

    Warchin3 Member

    27 Oct 2017
    Time to nerf double tesla shield
  15. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Increasing global cooldown for shooters only, reducing sniper cannons projectile and taking away the horrible vertical assist.
    Let shooters aim and not just spam anything and everything they have blindly and hoping something or other will land on target.
  16. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Frankly, I find power cells mostly pointless so I think they ought to get rid of them. Of course, unlike you I have all the parts I need (usually). I might actually be a bit light on rare power cells. So perhaps they are serving their purpose as yet another stumbling block for F2P players. Oh yes, I'ma F2P player like you I just grind a lot more apparently.

    I'm against any trading system. I want to play a fun little combat game not an economic simulator.
  17. WarCream

    WarCream Well-Known Member

    14 Apr 2017
    Oslo, Norway
    I agree with nerf mine because that is the thing that makes enfo a lot more harder to kill . They make a wall of mines and it's hard to hit them from a far. Plus they have shields so over all nerfng mines or switching them to 2 slot weapon I think that's a fair choice.
    Blood Raven likes this.

    HAPPY SITHSHA Well-Known Member

    24 Feb 2018
    A Place that u could never imagine :P
    How about new maps?Like "The Sinklair's Lair" and "Dr.Buzzkill's Killzone"?:):):):rolleyes:
    Nikkie! and wtfack like this.
  19. wtfack

    wtfack Active Member

    9 May 2017
    ahahah mines 2 slots lol
    but enforceres are created for the double tesla shields. What was the reason of giving (by devs) 2 yellow slots 4-4 for mk5 ?

    p.s. i want a new maps!!!!!
    Last edited: 10 Mar 2018

    HAPPY SITHSHA Well-Known Member

    24 Feb 2018
    A Place that u could never imagine :P
    Tell some new maps with our captain's name.Like,
    1)The Sinklair's Lair
    2)Dr.Buzzkill's Killzone
    3)Blastian Bay
    Like these names,tell someone new names for the new maps:):):):rolleyes::rolleyes:
    Nikkie! likes this.

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