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Terrible implementation of new ships

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by NmE, 31 Oct 2018.

  1. NmE

    NmE Member

    2 Jul 2018
    I was so happy to see new ships... you gotta work for them but new ships nonetheless.

    But 1 event to get your new ship but 90% of the community can’t unlock it. So the following event more chances.... o wait another new ship!!! This is cool.

    But than you don’t give access to additional interceptor pieces and force us to work on the next ship without even a chance at finishing the first ship.

    Fix your event to have 2 options for 20 coin box and 2 for 100 box. 1 set for interceptor 1 for reaper. Have joint event that both the shipsget the bonus.
    Let us choose which ship to go for.

    Like the post title says. Terrible implementation.

    You gotta remember. This is a mobile game. Charging prices like you want to compete with red dead redemption. Lol
  2. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Ideally new ships + marketing = new excitement + new users

    Instead it appears they are just trying to bleed the current user base, which is an extremely short term strategy... and usually the sign of a near term demise of the game.
  3. AAZ7

    AAZ7 Active Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Ship pieces are same, lol
  4. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    Unless they changed something in the passed 8 hours, ship pieces are not the same. Interceptor pieces for interceptor upgrades, reaper pieces for reaper upgrades.

    I have 10k interceptor pieces I had hoped would be transferable to a different ship but alas! It is not so.
  5. Epicular

    Epicular Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Creator of BayStats
    This is 100% correct, and it should be drawing the ire of every member of this forum.

    But let's think about it for a second. Over the past year and a half of its existence, has Battle Bay been a commercial success? We can only really guess on how well the game is doing... but based on how nobody that I know or have ever met has ever even heard about this game, I would personally guess that the answer is 'no'.

    Sure, the profits that Battle Bay earns on a day-to-day basis would satisfy 95% of other dev teams. But this is Rovio we're talking about here - the creator of the once-wildly-popular "Angry Birds". Rovio doesn't settle for mediocrity. If Rovio is going to seriously invest in a game, then it better be worth their time... it better stick to the front page of the App Store... and it better rake in massive dollars. Unfortunately, Battle Bay has not done that.

    I believe that the latest series of updates has been the manifestation of the dev team's realization of this situation. The "Agility update", which was poorly received by much of the community (I might've also been a bit critical of it ;)), along with other massive changes to the game's structure, was a panicked response from the developers to the lack of incoming players. I saw it as something of a last-ditch effort to expand the player base by roping in more casual players.

    Now, with the addition of a slew of premium ships, the devs appear to be laying the groundwork for them to press forward with the game in one of two different directions, depending on what happens to their player base in the upcoming weeks/months.
    • If the rate of new players picks back up, and the new ships stoke a renewed interest in the game by other players, then I believe the devs may make the premium ships more accessible for F2P players, and life will continue as normal for the foreseeable future
    • Alternatively, if the rate of new players remains stagnant, then I believe the devs will continue releasing new ships, and other premium features, at the same price points in order to bleed out the existing player base (and drive the game into the ground in the process), all for the purpose of spiking their short-term profits as much as possible
    I think we're going to see the second scenario play out - the player base will die off, and the F2P players will quit. Finally, the loyal P2P players - with no casual players to be better than - will also lose interest in the game. At this point, either Rovio will axe the game and haul away any remaining profits, or it will simply fade into obscurity with no community presence or loyal player base.

    Sorry to take up a doomsday attitude with this new ship release, but I really think keeping the game alive has become a secondary goal for the dev team.
  6. AAZ7

    AAZ7 Active Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Oh sh... That is confusing:

    Screenshot_2018-11-01-05-21-00-491_com.rovio.battlebay.png Screenshot_2018-11-01-05-21-05-205_com.rovio.battlebay.png
    Reorge and ViscountSniffit like this.
  7. AAZ7

    AAZ7 Active Member

    1 Jun 2017
    But when I tried to buy any of them... You are totally right, this sucks. Greatly.
  8. d0dih

    d0dih Member

    10 Oct 2018
    Glad to see more ppl recognising this..!
    Reorge and RACK STAR like this.
  9. fragglelator

    fragglelator Active Member

    30 Sep 2017
    I have more or less given up any thoughts of getting the new ships given the current implementation of how to earn ship coins to purchase ship-specific pieces. I have 6,150 Interceptor pieces from the last event and there isn't any information on whether there will be an opportunity to earn more Interceptor pieces.

    In reality, it would have been far, far better to standardise on "common" ship pieces that could be used to build and upgrade the VIP ships. But, as I have said in a few different threads before, Battle Bay's game economy is totally way out of whack, targetting only the 1% of whales and ignoring the greater majority of players who would potentially put in small ($0.99, $1.99 up to $9.99 perhaps) of micro-transactions.

    Instead we get the following "offers":-

    Sorry, but not going to be spending US$79.99 when I can purchase 2-3 AAA PC games (when on sale, which is when I usually stock up). Even the lower offers at US$19.99 and US$9.99 are not really that great when all you are purchasing are parts and pieces to put into the RNG equation hoping for an item that you could use.
  10. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Rovio is missing the boat here I think. (Pun intended :))

    The Container offers would be fantastic of the player base had faith that Premium boats can be achieved and leveled up. Enforcers and Speeders lack Green items, Shooters/Defenders have no Green or Yellow items... that's incentive enough to purchase the Container offers because they lack the items. Even Fixers lack a second Yellow, and may want to reach for Tape.

    Rovio could easily make as much money off the Container offers as the boats, and arguably more... but I doubt the Premium Boats are giving either Rovio or the players maximum value.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  11. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I think it is fairly standard procedure to milk all the whales before you start giving things away. There are people willing to drop a few thousand dollars on buying and upgrading one of the new ships first. Rovio is not going to want to miss out on that by making it too easy. And I’m sure that’s why Grimm was pretty sketchy about the future. Why blab that pieces are going to be plentiful next week, while there are still people thinking about buying them?

    Once all the whales are sufficiently milked, I’m sure they’ll put a few more pieces out there, and squeeze what they can out of us plebs.
  12. Sweetleaf420

    Sweetleaf420 New Member

    12 May 2017
    Ya if this is gonna be how it is to get a new ship. Keep the damn thing I dont want it. I have a job and life here l dont have time to grind every waking minute for this stupid game. And yes it is stupid l used to enjoy playing but l dont wanylt another job. THANKS FOR NOTHING ROVIO. And by the l wont be playing event. So you can shove you ship piece up yor a$$.
    NeptuneGaming likes this.
  13. NmE

    NmE Member

    2 Jul 2018
    I hope the developer team realizes this is an issue.

    I have already seen 3+ friends melt everything and quit today.

    It sucks seeing people go. I love this game but just direction is getting more towards transactions than player base.

    Set up normal events. Allow pieces VIA guild boards and shops for gold.

    Maybe do a 10% chance in star boxes

    50% chance for epic boxes 100% chance the x10 box.

    Give progression without events.

    And honestly. Since you have a a terrible go... give people 3000 ship pieces for interceptor as a “ we messed up this release of these ships.”

    And to address the “new player base”

    Might go up a bit but getting people back into the is a good idea. Several people are coming back but than see it’s going to take weeks to get the new ship to “try” them.

    They are already burnt out on the same old game, release them without requirements to get returning players back into it and have the progression the hook part. Keeps them going with the dream boats.

    Not force them to play their old setups for 2-3 more weeks grinding them back to burnt out phase.
    Last edited: 1 Nov 2018
    NeptuneGaming likes this.
  14. Sewah

    Sewah Well-Known Member

    14 May 2017
    The new ship is NOT a premium ship.

    In other games Premium suff dont need to be upgraded, it come fully upgraded.

    And it will give extra rewards when using Premium stuff hence the word "Premium".

    The new boat in BB seem attractive but after realising u need special item to level it up and it does not give u any extra reward ...... I decline to waste my time on it.

    Dev please make a True Premium Class Ship.
  15. fragglelator

    fragglelator Active Member

    30 Sep 2017
    This I can agree with. A premium ship requiring real money to purchase should come fully levelled to make it viable and attractive.
    HappyUnicorn789 and RACK STAR like this.
  16. The Skywolf

    The Skywolf Member

    13 Feb 2018
    Worst case scenario is what's happened in War Robots
  17. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    who editted my message and made it look gay af? at least put "editted by:" lol
    Last edited: 5 Nov 2018
    k406k, ShipCrusherCz and Sewah like this.
  18. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Man .. people are getting so worked up over this ..

    These ships aren't game breaking. In fact, I'd say that the interceptor is a little light on the health at L50 .. and the reaper isn't going to be a strong ship based solely on it's size and item allocation.

    So ... I'm not sure why it's that big of a deal to have something in the game you can't use at it's maximum level right away. You'd think people would be used to it in this type of game. It's a little like people complaining that new skins weren't available for free.

    There will certainly be future events for ship pieces, and leveling goes fairly quickly once it's unlocked.

    In the mean time, you can work on items for the other ships that you can now play freely (without spending hundreds of pearls to switch talents) .. That's a huge change that doesn't seem very greedy to me - but people do find a way to complain about anything nowadays.

    Anywho ... there is no competitive disadvantage for not spending money ... So, again, I don't see anything that merits this type of reaction (e.g. omg, it's armageddon - the world is ending - everyone is going to quit!).
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  19. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Then why are they premium priced?
  20. NmE

    NmE Member

    2 Jul 2018
    Your not getting the point of the thread,

    Working on items we have been doing for the last idk year.

    New content comes and you only have 6 days to work on it. More content comes out and 6 more days.

    And than on top of that normal events ( weekend events / Monday madness) disappear.

    Would be better to have continuous progression or guess what it’s the same game we have been playing for the last year with only looking at the shiny new items without attainability.
    Reorge likes this.

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