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Suggestions - New Ideas

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Nicolas, 18 Jun 2018.

  1. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    I combined some good ideas in one post. Hope that it will attract your attention.

    1-Favorite Replays
    As a player who played more than 19k matches, I always want to go back and watch some of my favorite matches. I play more than 60 battles per day, and sometimes i can't remember which replay i want to share.
    My suggestion is to add a filter to Battle Log. The filter will include:
    • All
    • Wins/Losses/Draws
    • Favorites
    • Number of kills (Ex: pentas)
    • Number of stars (Ex: 3 stars)
    • Ship (Ex: Enforcer)
    This is important because sometimes i share some replays in the guild but after few days i can't reach them anymore.
    Hence adding replays to favorite will be so helpful especially for ppl who wants to share their favorite moments in Battle Bay.

    2-Replays editing
    Sometimes, I need to take a specific screen shot of a replay, so I have to watch it many times to take the perfect screen shot. I use a screen recorder to record the battle, then I edit it to grab a photo which is much more easier than watching the replay 4-5 times.
    Editing options include:
    • Add a button to enter the replay using editing mode. We should be able to pause/resume/fast forward/fast backward. This should support drone view too, so we can take the shot from the perfect angle. :)
    • Add a button to disable/enable seeing enemies behind walls. We should be able to spectate the match from the player perspective to see his skills.
    • Add a button to disable/enable in-game names in both modes (regular and drone view)
    • Improve drone mode controls: add a static altitude/distance option

    3-Players Stats
    Players stats is too simple. I think that adding new percentages will be a good idea.
    New stats include:
    • Player's stats in each ship
    • Player's stats in each map (with most favorite and least favorite maps)
    • Player's highest infamy ever (Especially for nightmare players)
    • Player's global rank (as a percentage if it's larger than 99)
    • Player's average number of matches per day
    • Player's signature
    • Player's status( Ex: i am looking for a guild....)
    • Add ability to directly click on the ship in profile instead of scrolling to the left and right. (Just press on the white dots below ships in profile)

    4-New Custom Battles Options
    Custom matches is a great idea, and I think that it needs more features to make it better.
    New features include:
    • Custom Rules Menu
    • Ship Restrictions (Ex: only speeders)
    • Weapons Restrictions (Ex: only mines, no torps...)
    • New mods (TDM mods + Friendly Fire + Free For All)
    • Chat room

    5-Chat Room for Custom Battles
    To make it easier for players to communicate and indicate what they need or want from the admin of these custom battles. I mean that many times players in the same custom match have to search on what chat room their friends are talking. In addition, other players are on the wrong chat room, so they don't know what their friends decided. Using these custom chat rooms will help them to communicate and to reduce the time wasted when the admin have to go and talk to each one of them in private.
    The chat room can be automatically created with the custom match or A new chat room under the name "Custom Match" can be added to the global chat rooms menu.

    6-Friends list Improvements
    Friends list is so simple. Improvements include:
    • Friends Filter (Guildmates, Infamy, Gear Score, Ship)
    • Last seen. It will make it much easier for ppl to adjust theirs free time and breaks to play together. (Last seen= Last time he logged in)
    • Friends relationship (in-game relationships: Buddy, Brother,.... use ur imagination)
    • Add a message button in friend profile. It's much easier to directly message a friend instead of searching for his name in friends chat (which is so hard specially if u have 100+ friends).

    7-Friends Chat Improvements
    Friends chat needs to be improved. Improvements include:
    • Add a player status to friends chat (Busy, Do not disturb, similar to online /offline /in battle), so just add more colors.
    • Add pinned friends, so they will stay on the top of the list in friends chat. Pinned friends will be removed after a week of inactivity (no messaging).
    • Add mark as unread option
    • Add a player fleet request restrictions (Only fixers, Infamy restrictions (Ex: 4500+), Gear score restrictions (Ex: 12000+).
    • Add a button to disable and enable fleet requests.
    I don't want to be rude to anyone while rejecting their fleet request, so we can avoid similar situations by adding custom fleet restrictions.

    8-Guild Improvements
    Guild is one of the major parts in the game, and it needs many improvements:
    • Add a daily contributions table. It's so important specially for guild leaders who want to check who is a daily contributor and who contributes at the end of the rivalry to reach the minimum contributions.
    • Add special rewards for most active members. On the other side, nerf least active members rewards. ppl will become much more active, and they will contribute more.
    • Add guild events: Rewards to top guilds per season based on guild rank.

    9-Guild chat improvements
    Guild chat is so important specially for leader announcements.
    • Add a leader-officers chat room in guild chat. This will make officer position more important in the guild: many guilds have all members officers which isn't correct. There should be a limit to number of officers (4 officers per guild).
    • Add pinned messages for announcements (pinned messages have their own tab)
    • Add special color for leader messages (with a button to turn it on-off)

    10-Chat Rooms Improvements
    Recently Rovio added a Message Removed System to some Global Chat Rooms.
    View attachment 20512
    When u type any message containing inappropriate words then it will be removed.
    I noticed that many people report other players who sent inappropriate messages to them then unfriended them.
    • Add "Message Removed" system to Friends chat.
    Reason: All daily reports about ppl who send inappropriate messages then they unfriended the victim. This system will make it easier to avoid similar cases, and people will become less offensive. The system will be automatically enabled to all friends.
    • Add option to disable "Message Removed" system to specific friends.

    11-Chat improvements
    Improvements include:
    • Add emojies to Battle Bay (Yes, we need emojies. It should be at least similar to the ones on the forums.)
    • Add option to retract a message (We should be able to delete/retract a message within 30 seconds, so the message will be replaced with "Message Retracted".
    • Add ability to copy a message by holding it for 1500ms
    • Automatically divide a message into x messages if it contains x replays Links. Each message contains one replay link (if there are 2+ links in the same message, we're not able to watch any replay except the first one).

    12-Shop Improvements
    Improvements include:
    • Add option to view all possible perks from the shop with percentages/rarities
    • Add option to view all possible pieces from the shop with percentages/rarities
    • Add option to view all possible parts from the shop with percentages/quantities

    13-In battle improvements
    Improvements include:
    • Add a button to look behind (to check for mines/incoming torps/teammates status... i want to look behind without moving my turret)
    • Add more camera modes (Action...)
    • Add option to throw mortars using drone perspective: we can quickly switch to a drone view above us to throw mortars. This should improve mortars accuracy which will improve their popularity in advanced leagues (a minority of ppl use mortars in nightmare league). When we select a mortar a button should appear, and we can switch to drone view while pressing on it. To clarify: The mortar drone view should be static above the player. It should just give him a higher point of view.
    I don't use any mortars, and I consider them useless specially in nightmare league. Mortars should be much more popular.

    Let's support each other so we can all succeed.
    • WarHawk •
    Last edited: 6 Nov 2018
  2. Sifa

    Sifa Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    I support every single idea listed in this post :)
  3. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    This is a "nice-to-have." Probably wouldn't be super high on the development priority list.
    Easy workaround: create a spreadsheet with links for your favorite battles, and track the rest of that data, and do your filtering/searching there as desired.


    The New Mods are a great suggestion.
    Everything else would be "nice-to-haves", because all those are at least possible via chats elsewhere. I'm not saying it's pretty, but it's doable.

    Again, it's a "nice-to-have", it's logical, and would be helpful, but other chats exist, which means this may not be prioritized very highly if it's tough to code.

    Great ideas! Keep em coming!
    Sidd gamer, *JAWS* and Nicolas like this.

    KINGIVANOV Well-Known Member

    28 Nov 2017
    Over here.
    I do that
    Nicolas likes this.
  5. Stonebanks

    Stonebanks Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    custom games chat it is something that we all need.
    PastelPiku and Nicolas like this.
  6. Ackoroth

    Ackoroth Active Member

    5 Jun 2018
    Attack Helicopter
    Over there in that direction
    Great ideas! A free for all custom sounds pretty fun
    PastelPiku and Nicolas like this.
  7. Ultrah

    Ultrah Well-Known Member

    19 Jun 2017
    What about Single Player fleets? I wanna make videos without bugging anyone!

    Oh, and testing weapons too. :oops:
    PastelPiku, Nicolas and Ackoroth like this.
  8. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    Using fleet request restrictions u can disable all fleet request. The person who sent u that request should receive a notification (similar to the one of infamy difference). Ex: This person isn't available for fleeting now. Plz try again later.
  9. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    These are all quality of life improvements that wouldn't affect gameplay very much, but all things that I think most of us would really appreciate.
    Sidd gamer and Nicolas like this.
  10. R4Z0R

    R4Z0R Well-Known Member

    11 Nov 2017
    why do u wanna know?
    what about a "Firing Range"?
    players can test out any item/s they want at any rank, add any perks, bots will be provided, you can custom the gear on the bots and ofc your own gear...just for fun, maybe also invite friends to wreak havoc!!
    all achievements like top blaster and stuff will be non-contributable(if thats a word) in this mode to nullify the potential of exploiting for rewards
    :) hope its viable
    Sidd gamer, JayJosh and PastelPiku like this.
  11. Kurd1stan.

    Kurd1stan. Well-Known Member

    13 Sep 2017
    cool ideas but
    already suggested
    already suggested
    new mods for custom match are already suggested
    and for "rules" you dont need it if there is a "custom match chat"
    the title is already suggested , but with different ideas , and
    not everyone wants those info to be visible by others .
  12. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    I tried my best to list these ideas in a unique way in this post (Including new ideas).
    U can limit ppl who can see ur details to ur friends list.
  13. <<ĎôňĎîêğô>>

    <<ĎôňĎîêğô>> New Member

    20 Jul 2018
    This one is cool, but u can save replay links to a notebook. This could be a good in-game feature.
    I totally agree with this one. Maybe adding a crew or allies to player profile is good too. I fleet up with many non-guildmate members. Adding a in-game relationship will be cool too.
    Custom battles is already dead. Maybe adding mods to customs will be helpful.
    I suffered too much from ppl who keep spamming my friends chat by their fleet requests. I have to close the game or enter a battle or ask a friend to save me by fleeting up with him to make a excuse to reject their requests.
    Nicolas likes this.
  14. JediKnight1968

    JediKnight1968 Active Member

    23 Jul 2018
    Great Suggestions!!!

    Sidd gamer likes this.
  15. Fin-

    Fin- Active Member

    2 Sep 2017
    Daaaaaaaaaaaaamnnnnn! This guy is a real genius
    Devs, plz look this post!
    Sidd gamer likes this.
  16. Bepster10

    Bepster10 New Member

    31 Jul 2018
    I thought about dividing the guild chat into 2 parts. In this way in a chaat remain the messages and some important things, instead in the other chaat, the unimportant messages flow away.
  17. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Wow, I need to read this part of the forum more ...

    I had a list of ideas for BB and you nailed probably 6 or 7 of them - and several I haven't thought of.

    Great post
    Sidd gamer and Nicolas like this.
  18. NoTtIaN

    NoTtIaN Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Make posts
    In your bed, computer, and screen
    *im scibbling notes*

    1. add green, check!
    2. simple, but good. check!
    3. talk about already talked about things. *i dont even*
    for the first part though... its iimpossible to find the good matches..
    because some are good, but you may deal little damage, and the filter wont recognize it.
    there should also be an 'achievement filter' (that filter by achievements *duh*)

    and for player stats, make it you can view their items, trains, and see how the pros do it
    Sidd gamer likes this.
  19. NoTtIaN

    NoTtIaN Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Make posts
    In your bed, computer, and screen
    bottom to up:
    if the leader uses blue, the messga will be odd.
    pinned messages should have their own tab, plus, leaders can do @all .
    some guilds have everybody an officer, ??, it should have annother level called apprentice, member>apprenttice>officer>leader, apprentice can only kick members and recruit people.

    this means that the better get better and the weaker dont get much.
    its basically an 'in-guild' rivalry betwwen loot among the members.
    how about a chart (takes a screen) of people contribution how much.
    pinned friends should last 1 day, 1 week, or 1 month.
    message friend button? what if theyre not your friend and you send them a hate message?
    relationship.. make them stars. 1-10
    last seen, playing or chatting?
    custom battles should have a code, for youtubers etc.
    whole section, ok
    you forgot to make it so you can view their items and trains
    1. you cant.
    filters arent gonna help..
    maybe you can star your fav replays and filter by stars?
  20. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    I will add this point.
    Maybe, but its the leader job. However, saving the previous 5 rivalries contributions will be a cool feature.
    I think it should be around 1 month
    u can't send a message to an non-friend
    last time he logged in
    At least they should add favorite replays list.
    Mr. Joseph likes this.

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