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Suggestion: Methods to deal with afk

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Potchi, 12 Mar 2018.

  1. Potchi

    Potchi Member

    11 Mar 2018
    I have lost a lot of matches because I have an afk member on my team...most probably because they want to go down the infamy ladder, i have reported a lot of floaters lately, but unfortunately, i still get matched up with them sometimes. here are my suggestions on how to fix floating issue
    1.) Time counter: at the beginning of the match, there is an allotted time for a ship to move, if he/she is still afk when the timer runs out, he/she gets kicked out of the game, and receives a cooldown before the next match up
    2.) Dmg counter: if at the end of the match, the ship deals 0 dmg to enemy, he gets a cooldown before he/she can join a match again, but to consider those who are not that good at the game, maybe a counter to see if he/she at least fired a shot at the enemy(or attempted)
    3.) Minimum infamy: ships like mk5 or mk6 shouldnt be allowed to go to lower infamies like around 500, each mk has a minimum infamy, this deals with unfair matchups, unfair rivalries, and players wont bother being afk so they can lose the game and lose infamy

    Battlebay is a good game, however, people who are not good enough to fight at their own level, or fight their same mk, and smurf at lower infamies, are a pain to those who are playing the game to the best of their abilities, i hope the devs take this into consideration on their next update
    Attached is a picture of a recent match, we could have won that, but sadly we didnt because of this inconsiderate prick

    Attached Files:

  2. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    I agree with your point #3 about infamy floors for ship mks, but for the first 2 I can't agree.

    #1. We have to consider that this is a mobile game. That means most floaters disconnected, their phone died, they got an important phone call, something came up at the last moment, etc. It's important to play as best as you can but real life has priorities. I've said this before: if I get a phone call from my workplace, I'm floating.

    #2. Battles don't always go your way. 0 damage sucks. It's a terrible outcome. It is also something that will inevitably happen to anyone at least once. Especially if you're a speeder. Imagine the times your team pulled through and focused one unfriend down extremely quickly early on in the match. That unfriend is the equivalent of your team's 0 damage player.

    Punishing players for things that can possibly be beyond their control is a bad idea. If floaters and suiciders are really a big problem, we should think of ways to reward fair play rather than punish "foul" play.
    *JAWS* likes this.
  3. CoolDownHSNA

    CoolDownHSNA Well-Known Member

    10 Mar 2018
    I agree with u Potchi. I face so many other AFK players and higher mk players. I can't climb up infamy, and yesterday, as a MK2 myself, I versed 3 MK6 and one MK5 Shooter in the other team. They had a MK2 Fixer, which is normal. But it's so unfair for our team:(
    PastelPiku likes this.
  4. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Played 9 battles spread over 2 days and had 3 floaters, so that is 33% of the time I have floaters. The days before that I experienced the same with my 2 accounts.

    These floaters spoil it for the rest of us. Sometimes I shoot at them and then they start moving, but most often they don't.

    This problem needs to be resolved, because it is so annoying!
  5. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    Allow me to revise what I said earlier. I agree with your first point. I discussed with someone that even if it was unintentional floating, a few minutes wouldn't hurt if it meant you'd get quality games. This would make people think twice before going afk. The penalty should be enough to discourage people from doing it (maybe gets longer for each occurrence within the hour) but short enough that people who disconnect or float to answer an urgent phone call don't get pissed off. I think a starting point of 1 minute is a safe bet. 1 minute does not hurt, and usually when you disconnect or get a phone call you need at least a minute before you get back anyway. Add 15ish seconds for each repeated offense within the hour and intentional floaters are looking at a 4 or 5 minute penalty.
    Potchi and *JAWS* like this.
  6. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    That is a good idea, but intentional floaters should be punished more. If someone floats 2 times in a row, give him or her a 10 minutes penalty. Does it happen again the same day, make it an hour.

    As for floating due to bad internet, I have opted for an internet speed check just before a battle. There are free apps which check your internet speed. Wouldn't it be possible to build something in the game, so when you hit 'Battle' you can see if you internet speed is sufficient and if it is not, then you can not enter the battle.
    *JAWS*, PallabKumarS and PastelPiku like this.
  7. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Its quite easy to put a interlock before hitting the battle button a simple if else loop.
    If ping > 400 don't allow that player to enter in match else put a warning the ping is high.
    *JAWS* and PastelPiku like this.

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