I have lost a lot of matches because I have an afk member on my team...most probably because they want to go down the infamy ladder, i have reported a lot of floaters lately, but unfortunately, i still get matched up with them sometimes. here are my suggestions on how to fix floating issue
1.) Time counter: at the beginning of the match, there is an allotted time for a ship to move, if he/she is still afk when the timer runs out, he/she gets kicked out of the game, and receives a cooldown before the next match up
2.) Dmg counter: if at the end of the match, the ship deals 0 dmg to enemy, he gets a cooldown before he/she can join a match again, but to consider those who are not that good at the game, maybe a counter to see if he/she at least fired a shot at the enemy(or attempted)
3.) Minimum infamy: ships like mk5 or mk6 shouldnt be allowed to go to lower infamies like around 500, each mk has a minimum infamy, this deals with unfair matchups, unfair rivalries, and players wont bother being afk so they can lose the game and lose infamy
Battlebay is a good game, however, people who are not good enough to fight at their own level, or fight their same mk, and smurf at lower infamies, are a pain to those who are playing the game to the best of their abilities, i hope the devs take this into consideration on their next update
Attached is a picture of a recent match, we could have won that, but sadly we didnt because of this inconsiderate prick
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