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suggestion for matchmaking...?

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by moon's child, 28 Jul 2018.

  1. moon's child

    moon's child New Member

    28 Jul 2018
    I wonder if captain training level can be taken into account in matchmaking for both events and ranked battles. Running my mk3 up against nightmare players...consistently...is not only disheartening, but beyond unfair. Even if they are using somewhat comparable gear to align gear scores, their captain's training gives them a vastly greater advantage over those of us at these low levels, which is why they run their lower tier ships to farm coins, etc, away from us. Ouch....

    It just seems like if captain's training were figured into the mix, it would take care of this problem once and for all.

    Thank you devs, for all that you do ~
    Last edited: 28 Jul 2018
  2. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    It won't, it needs to be based off skill, which infamy does somewhat. Anything else will be gamed.
    The major issue is not awarding infamy on individual performance, which is why I just lost twelve matches in a row while being the first or second damage dealer in almost all those matches. I suggested this before but there needs to be some way to factor in individual performance into infamy so we don't get these streaks of multiple losses getting stuck with idiots many who I know already how they are going to die like suicide speeders who are being carried and top damage dealers who are being weighed down until they just finally give up and rage quit.
  3. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Another problem is when nightmare resets to 4000 like it just did the matchmaking gets totally screwed as you have people who were previously 6000 infamy considered equal to those who just made 4000 but that's not an issue until you get up around there
  4. moon's child

    moon's child New Member

    28 Jul 2018
    While I agree that it should be based on skill, and somewhat is, captain level is a direct reflection of skills. I am not proposing eliminating any of the current parameters used in the matchmaking formula, only adding captain level to the mix. This would, imo, greatly reduce the problem of low level players getting stomped in events, etc...effectively losing the ability to gain the rewards they should be entitled to. If you have someone at captain level 17 fighting against captain level 48...even with the same level weapons...the skills are crew trained at a much higher level, not to mention, you know that higher level player has much more experience under their belt.
    Medullaoblongata likes this.
  5. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    IMO Matchmaker(tm) should do as little as possible to let Infamy work. It should still balance boat types, but I'm not sure anything else matters beyond that in ranked battles.

    In events, Gear Score should be based on final item output... and matchmaking based on Gear Score only... and boat type balancing as needed.
    moon's child likes this.
  6. moon's child

    moon's child New Member

    28 Jul 2018
    I understand...however, there is clearly a reason why the big dogs will.climb into their lower tier ships and use their lower level.gear to.farm coins,.etc away from the actual.lower level players. It's because they know.with certainty that they will get much more that way than they will.if they participate at their own level. It needs to be addressed
  7. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    That's why I said Gear Score should be based on item output. That way it includes training.
  8. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    Settle down on the dots! Seriously!

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