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Suggestion: Add DPS to the mix

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Fiorell, 9 Sep 2017.

  1. Fiorell

    Fiorell Active Member

    24 May 2017
    You know this scene: You are laying some pressure on the enemy. But enemies concentrate their fire on you, halfway through the battle you are out. In the second half you are watching campers slooowly deal damage from behind walls while the enemy fixer repairs his whole team up.

    In the result screen, the dreaded campers have the highest damage of all and collect the stars.

    Well, the camper didn't play well, but the game does instead punish you. This could be mitigated if the game would also consider damage per second (DPS) and not only the whole damage dealt. WOW players already know, that for damage dealers (in this game they are called: shooters) DPS counts, and nothing else.
    I suggest, in the results screen to also display DPS in addition to the total damage and to include DPS into the calculations for the order in the team and the stars applied. I don't want to totally replace the whole damage dealt - in the end this also matters. Just to also count the DPS done.
    P.S.: This also applies to heals per second (HPS).

    What do you think?
    Riddlerpaji likes this.

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