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Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Justinmharris33, 18 Jun 2017.

  1. Justinmharris33

    Justinmharris33 New Member

    18 Jun 2017
    So the stupidity in this game astounds me. I read constantly about people who say they can't rank up or have difficulty and it has to do with the fact that they have zero idea about how the game is to be played. So I'm creating a go to list of things you should and shouldn't do to hopefully help eradicate the dumb play.

    1. Play with your team! First and foremost this is a TEAM game. You are not going to win playing solo. So many games I've seen one or two players run off on their own. This makes you extremely easy to pick off and focus.
    2. Focus fire! You have the ability to call targets yet it's barely used at low and medium levels. The only advantage besides weapons is numbers. Killing 1 or 2 other boats before the other team gives you a massive advantage. Focus the shooters and fixers first as they provide the most firepower and sustainability.
    3. Capture! This is probably the most under utilized aspect of the game. Grouping your team on the capture point forces the enemy to come to you and allows you to pick off boats as they come to stop the capture.
    4. Know your role! Each ship has a specific role and you MUST play that role to be successful!
    Defenders: You should be up front tanking the damage. Sitting in the back with thousands of hit points does your team no good. You should be using cannons or low reload time weapons due to the fact that you will be up front and in the fray of things. Not to mention you don't have many weapon slots. Each weapon displays a dps stat and the higher the better.
    Shooters: You bring the damage and should be behind the defenders. Mortars and medium reload time weapons are your friend. You have the weapon slots to fire multiple weapons quickly. While the defender is drawing the attention and causing the enemy to gather and focus you have the opportunity to do big AOE damage.
    Enforcers: You should be next to the shooters and defenders. You are a support/disruption class. You should be freezing, shielding and stunning to allow your defenders and fixers to survive and allow your shooters to do more damage. Using weapons that combo with your freezes and stuns are ideal.
    Speeders: You are an assasian and a aggravation. You should focus low health players and fixers. Your speed allows you to get behind enemy lines and deal damage and get out. Using weapons like carronade and torpedos if your good enough combo well with the freezes and speed you can equip.
    Fixers: You should be behind everyone and healing as much as possible. You aren't going to have big damage so stop worrying about it. Your main goal is to make sure the team survives and does the damage. Use weapons like cannons that have a low cooldown so that they are always up between heals.

    1. Stop sitting back! You will not win sitting near the spawn shooting mortars. The enemy will surround you and pick you off. Especially if they have a fixer. Your damage means nothing when it will just be healed up. If there is a fixer on the enemy team you HAVE to be aggressive. They have an advantage and you must counter that.
    2. Fire carelessly! So many times Players fire their weapon into waves or sunk ships because it available and they see a green indicator. Pay attention!
    3. Leave your team stranded! If you see a teammate in trouble move to their position and help!
    4. Worry about stats or getting sunk! You are going to sink! It's part of the game. The stats at the end of the game don't matter if your team loses. Be useful and contribute. Letting teammates sink because you want to pad stats just puts you at a disadvantage.

    Hopefully this helps some people. This game is great and a lot of fun but it's ruined by the lone wolf mindset. This isn't call of duty! If this helps you all let me know and I'll do weapon guides as well!
    HappyUnicorn789 likes this.

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