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Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Nikkie!, 5 Oct 2018.

  1. Nikkie!

    Nikkie! Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2018
    Baaa, I’m a pig (I am out there!)
    Check my information out! “About you”
    I just tried to send a message to a friend ( like you can see in Screenshot)
    And it says it’s spam like or it contains inapporiate content. Anybody who understands? I had this problem also in other conversations

    Attached Files:

    HAPPY SITHSHA and X•H!B!T like this.
  2. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    Your message is being caught by automated spam filters. I've manually approved this post.
    Nikkie! likes this.

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