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Some questions

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Blood Raven, 15 Mar 2018.

  1. Blood Raven

    Blood Raven Well-Known Member

    25 May 2017
    Software Developer
    Here are some minor observations to help on some questions that may arise for new players -

    (1) dont play fixer. So wont ever use greens. Got some legendary green item pieces. (Or say yellow if you dont use yellow boats) Is it better to wait, combine them and scrap the legendary green item or scrap each piece for more leg parts?

    • Say you're at 10/10 leg green pieces -
    scraping a leg item gives 46 or so leg parts, whereas scraping each piece gives 5. So scraping 10 pieces would give 50 leg parts which undoubtedly seem better, but if you scrap the leg item, you will get another leg piece (at the least, you may get more) which will yield another 5 parts if scrapped, and is a better option. (You may even get more parts than general in scraping)
    However if your're at low positions, say 3/10 leg green and cant wait, provided you have no other source of leg parts (your not nightmare, raffle needs luck) then you can scrap the green item pieces. If the need isn't urgent, its better to wait till you get 10/10.

    (2) play shooter (mk6-7) and have a setup consisting of 5 weapons. Will it be better to have all 1.5% damage boost to all weapons perks or have individual weapon perks?

    • most weapon boost perks in general (excluding fire and slowdown perks) give 7.5% and 8% damage at epic rarity for items such as mortars and cannons/railguns etc.

    Considering all weapons are t4 epics -
    So for a t4 epic you have 4 perk slots. Say one of those weapons you use is a railgun, with 4 epic damage boost perks it gives 4*8=32% damage boost. Whereas getting 1.5% damage boost to all weapons will give 5x(1.5*4)=30% damage boost to each weapon. In this case obviously, the individual perks are better. Hence if your using cannons, railguns etc it'd be better to stick with their individual damage increase perks.

    Now Consider a long range mortar (LRM). With 4 epic perks of mortar damage inc. It will give 4*7.5=30%, which is the same with all weapons fitted with the 1.5% to all weapons' perks. So in case of LRM or other mortars there is no suspectible loss in using the all weapon damage perks.

    However, one must have many of these epic all weapon damage boost increase perks which are generally hard to obtain, and the most efficient way to utilize them is on a ship with more weapons, that is shooter of course.

    Profit goes if your using an all missile setup (that would be 4 weapons though), where the missiles have no other damage boost perks but would gain a good enough damage boost (24% for each of the four missiles) this way.

    Likewise for rare items (say minimum t3 for the 3rd perk slot) its the same conclusion. (22.5% damage boost with all weapon damage boost perks, which is same if you use an all mortar/torp setup, but lesser than 24% damage boost for weapons such as cannons/rails with individual damage boost perks).

    (3) Is it better to use weapons with very short (5 secs or less) cooldown (cd) ? Cannon or carronade better?

    • Everyone likes short cd to hit their weapons in a continuous manner, but in practical cases, sometimes you'll have to wait a little here and there such as to wait for the high wave to come down , to aim and position yourself between shot exchange intervals. Also short cd weapons (cannons/carros) have a lesser damage output than the longer cd ones for obvious reasons, so you'll have to make sure you keep hitting each and every or say most of your shots to deal the same or equivalent amount of damage you would with a higher cd one.
    So its better to have weapons dealing better damage with higher cd. More damage means more chances of getting the kill too.
    However one short cd weapon such as cannon/carronade can be used for handling of each situation (say your rest weapons are all railguns).

    Out of the two, carronade is the better fit since it does way more damage than the cannon does and also slows the enemy a bit (swift's talents help) though it has shorter range than the cannon.
    Cannon would be a better choice only for the lower levels or if your swift isnt trained much and due to lower amount of carro projectiles, cannon will seem a better choice than carronade in the initial stages. (Along with the critical factor)
    But for the long run, carro > cannon.
  2. ryanllts

    ryanllts Active Member

    21 Jul 2017
    1.5% perk got a limit, u cant use it on all weapons. the limite is under 8% i think
  3. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    Very useful tips, thanks :D
    Blood Raven likes this.

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