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Shout out to whoever made that newest regular mode map

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Flipscuba, 17 Jul 2018.

  1. Flipscuba

    Flipscuba Well-Known Member

    22 Aug 2017
    Fight Night or something? Anyways, no sarcasm, it's just a really fun and well-made map. I had a few games in a row in there and was just struck by how much I liked it, lots of places to hide, requiring skillshots, lots of open room too though.
  2. Prime Lightning

    Prime Lightning Member

    21 May 2018
    I love that map too. Missiles are awesome in there. Midfight Movies
  3. XQT

    XQT Member

    28 Jun 2018
    It's a difficult map for me because of its wide open area. A lot of mortar and firebomb spam area. It is similar with Subzero. But unlike Subzero, the waves at Midfight Movies are calmer making sniper cannon and railgun easier to hit.
  4. LimeOnMars

    LimeOnMars Well-Known Member

    10 Jul 2017
    Really love the concept, but nothing more

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