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Should I Commit to Defender or Fixer? Advice Please, Thanks!

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by XC Eddy, 14 Jun 2017.

  1. XC Eddy

    XC Eddy New Member

    23 May 2017
    Hello People,

    I am at a crossroads of my player development: Do I commit to being a fixer, or do I commit to being a defender? I currently have mk3 of both, but am about to hit level 23 and unlock mk4 Defender. Currently saving to upgrade to mk4 on one or the other. I have been stuck in the 1300-1600 Infamy range for the last 2 week season, likely because I haven't committed to one ship class. It's time for me to go one way or the other and make it work.

    As potential teammates, would you rather have a good Fixer or a good Defender on your team? Which ship is better for climbing the infamy ladder? Which ship has more potential at the high Mk5 and Mk6 Levels? Thank you for any feedback. Below, I have included some more info about factors that may influence my decision.

    Player Strengths: I find that my best weapon to use is the cannon. I have a maxed out tier 3 Rare cannon with a 4th rare cannon to evolve when I unlock the ability to do so. I am proficient at popping long range shots with both the cannon and sniper cannon.

    Player Weaknesses: I have a tendency to want to lead the group, which is I why I much prefer Defender over shooter (I die too fast as a shooter). However, with the Fixer I can know my role, hang back, stay alive, and support pretty well.

    Weapons: The aforementioned cannon will go on either loadout. However, when I play Defender, I pair it with a maxed out uncommon tier 2 Sniper Cannon. I've been trying for 2 weeks to try to get another sniper cannon to evolve it tier 3 and instantly evolve up to level 30. I also have a level 1 Rare Sniper Rifle that I purchased from the shop since I haven't unlocked one yet and like the possibility of having 2 of them now when I finally find a rare Sniper.

    I will occasionally use Rare Lvl 10 Napalm for it's utility, and have a 2nd Rare Napalm to evolve with.

    I Have 4, yes 4! Rare Rail Guns. One of them is Lvl 10, ready to Evolve.

    Healing Items:
    Lvl 10 Rare Repair Pulse, with no immediate signs of finding a second one.
    Lvl 1 Rare Repair Box Launcher
    Lvl 20 Uncommon Repair Pulse
    2 Rare Duct Tapes (I prefer the other 2 healing items, they help the team out)

    Blue Items:
    2 Rare Standard Shields that could be made into a very strong Rare Tier 2 for my Fixer. One Lvl 7, the other Lvl 1
    Lvl 10
    Lvl 13 Rare Bandage, with two more Lvl 1 Rare Bandages
    Lvl 10 Rare Turbo

    Yellow Items:
    Level 10 Rare Overboost. Leaning toward using Overboost if I go the Fixer route
    Level 4 Nitro, with a 2nd to evolve.
  2. DumboWumbo

    DumboWumbo Member

    15 Jun 2017
    I would honestly say go defender since you seem like an attacking person and do double cannons that destroys enemies plus I feel like defenders are underrated they are actually pretty cool and useful to all teams but no one wants to play a slow and bulky ship also o would say use some Shields and maybe a bandage off course this is personal opinion
    Also can I ask a favor of you I'm having trouble deciding whether to go fixer or speeder it's also in the strategy and class discussion forum if you could please help me thc
  3. David Bonaparte

    David Bonaparte Active Member

    17 May 2017
    It would be good practice to play a Fixer, but only do it when you are in an elo slup, until you get decent at it. Defender is much easier to play, just make sure you stick with your allies so you don't get focused without getting good return fire. If you overextend though, you will get punished by any team that doesn't have tunnel vision and knows how to aim.

    Keep some/all of your railguns, but I've heard they are only good later on, not at the beginning. If you can land them consistently at a long range, then feel free to use them. Most can't, though. On the defender, try equipping either 2 cannons, or cannon+sniper. Either should work fine in a 1v1, the sniper is for helping contribute to long range fights. Double cannons is really, really good DPS, but you have to be able to get close without dying.

    Drop a turbo and standard shield on your Defender.
  4. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Why not keep both ships leveled? It's not like 2 ships is a huge commitment, especially if part of the items are shared between them (like cannon and standard shield). And the more varied playstyle of 2 ships will keep the game more fun in the future.
    wallcolmx likes this.
  5. XC Eddy

    XC Eddy New Member

    23 May 2017
    Yeah, so I ended up leveling the Defender first. That will be my main focus, but I am able to switch to the fixer and be formidable, too.
  6. wallcolmx

    wallcolmx Member

    25 May 2017
    post you defender here bro

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