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Ship Basics and Overview

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by JoshW, 31 Jan 2019.

  1. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    This guide will dive into the basics of all the ships including a description, load outs, playstyles and advanced tips. Stay tuned for my other guides!

    Items: Coming soon!
    Playstyles: Coming Soon!

    Ship basics:

    1. Slot points

    All ships have a certain amount of slots and slot points. Slots limit the number of items you can equip on a ship and slot points limit the types of items you can equip. The more powerful items take up two slot points meaning if the majority of your equipped items are worth two points you will have unused slots on your boat. This is not recommended as it will leave your boat vulnerable. Points are typically displayed as a number and slots are displayed as a letter that corresponds to the item type, an example of this would be 5RRR which means it has 3 red slots and a total of 5 points available for allocation.
    An enforcer with 3RRR 5YYY 3BB

    2. Equipment selection & Stats overview

    I would recommend that whatever ship you choose you equip it with AT LEAST 1 weapon that gives you guaranteed and reliable damage, as a beginner this would most likely be a cannon but as you progress and your skill level with different weapons increases this could change. All ships also have a maximum speed, this can be found by clicking on your ships speed stat in the shipyard. Every ship will require a turbo in order to reach max speed which is necessary for survivability. Without a turbo you will get hit with every mortar and be a sitting duck for cannons and torpedoes.

    The agility and turret rotation are set to varying degrees for each ship, these have been locked in place and cannot be raised or lowered by the user.

    Ship stat screen

    4. Upgrades

    Your ships base health increases each time you upgrade it with gold or ship pieces. Ship pieces are acquired through crates which are purchased with coins during events.
    Level-up screen
    Last edited: 2 Feb 2019
  2. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    1. Shooter
    This is the first ship you command when you start the game. Using a shooter first is beneficial because it exposes you to many weapons at a time allowing you to figure out what weapons best suit your needs/ tastes. Many consider the shooter to be the easiest ship to play which is true to a degree. There are, however, many advanced aspects of the shooter that are essential to late game viability.


    Max Speed: 1.5
    Slots/Points: 8RRRRR 4BBB

    Items/Load Outs:

    A shooter can be used in variety of ways but the best ones are equipped with versatile builds that can adapt to a wide range of situations. An example of a versatile build would be 1 torpedo, 1 mortar, 1 fire, 1 cannon, and 1 miscellaneous item. Your build will ultimately depend on how you want to play your shooter but this build is best for beginners. Blue items builds would be Big Shield/Standard Shield/Turbo, or Big Shield/Bandage/Turbo.


    Shooters can be typically seen as Brawlers, Duelists, Rangers, Rogues, and Snipers.

    Advanced Tips:

    As a shooter you want to stick close to the frontlines of battle but within range of your support class ships. You have a lot of firepower but it is essential to know when and where to focus it. Instead of just spamming raw damage, use your many weapons to weaken high priority targets, lay down cover fire for retreating allies or draw agro to distract enemies while your team regroups.
  3. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    2. Speeder
    What this ship lacks in firepower it makes up for with the use of utility items and speed. It is highly evasive and can be used for distraction, assassination and much more. Commonly played mid to close range.


    Max Speed: 1.74
    Slots/Points: 3RR 4YYY 4BBB

    Items/Load Outs:

    As a speeder you have extremely limited firepower meaning you need every shot to pack a punch. High burst weapons work best here but you also want a balance between damage and cool down. Common combo’s include Flare/Blast, Grenade/Explosive, Dual Snipers, Dual Mines, Dual Carronades, Swift/Blast or Explosive. I personally wouldn’t recommend dual mines as it leaves you vulnerable in a 1v1 situation but to each their own. Mortars are also not very effective here as they take time to properly lead which leaves you exposed. For Yellow items it varies on playstyle but you will see Overboost/BiNitro (speed over crowd control), Overboost/Tesla Shield/Nitro (speed and cover), Overboost/Tesla Shield/Tesla Bolt (Crowd Control Duelist). Blue items include Big Shield/Standard Shield/Turbo, Big Shield/Bandage/Turbo, Standard Shield/Big Bandage/Turbo.


    Duelist, Ranger, Assassin, Rouge, Guerilla, Trap Setter, Sniper, Knife Fighter and Kiter.

    Advanced Tips:

    Make good use of cover to remain concealed from your enemies vision and strike from the shadows. You have a fairly small hp pool so it is best to not remain exposed for extended periods of time. NEVER RUSH INTO THE ENEMY TEAM BY YOURSELF!!! This almost always means instant death and will not help your team in any way whatsoever. In the beginning of a battle save your hp by taking pot shots at the enemy and serving mainly as a distraction. You will be the most useful towards the end of the battle when the enemy team has already been weakened.
  4. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    3. Defender
    The defender is a tank and relies on its very high hp to remain effective. It has limited firepower and a very slow max speed making it an easy target even for the average marksman.


    Max Speed: 1.42
    Slots/Points: 5RRR 6BBBBB
    You can sacrifice 1 Blue slot for a 1 point Teal item.

    Items/Load Outs:

    Many players like to run multiple mines on this ship but with 3 red slots and 5 points to play with I feel it is more effective when used with 1- 1point, and 2- 2point weapons. An example of this would be Flare/Explosive/Explosive, you can also use Fire Bomb/Explosive/Blast if that suites you better. You have a lot of freedom with blue items, some possibilities include: Big Shield/Standard Shield/Duel Bandage/Turbo, Big Shield/Standard Shield/Bandage/Turbo/Cleanse Pulse or Defense Aura.


    Duelist, Ranger, Trap Setter and Aggro.

    Advanced Tips:

    Keep moving, you already have a large hitbox so don’t make yourself an easier target by remaining stationary. Learn to duel, you have a lot of hp and most likely a bandage so dueling 1v1 will almost always end in your favor. Then you can regen your hp while moving to the next target. Use cover, your hp isn’t limitless so try to save it where you can. When engaging make sure there is some sort of obstacle between you and the rest of the enemy team, this will protect you from being blindsided by torpedoes. You are essentially a bullet sponge so use this to your advantage. Do not run into the open by yourself, your job is to draw fire while your shooters attack or your yellow ships flank.
  5. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    4. Enforcer
    The enforcer has unrivaled agility and reverse speed which makes it adept at dancing in and out of cover while it attacks. This evasiveness comes in handy since this boat is lacking in blues and hp, you can also use 1 or 2 Tesla Shields to cover the hp gap.


    Max Speed: 1.51
    Slots/Points: 3RRR 5YYY 3BB

    Items/Load Outs:

    There are many different setups that you can run on an Enforcer and like all ships it will depend on your playstyle. The most common weapons seen on an enforcer include Flare/Dual Blast, Grenade/Dual Blast, Swift/Lrm/Blast (with a frost item). You can run a Speedforcer build which uses Overboost/BiNitro or Overboost/TS/Nitro, a Double Bubble which has Dual Tesla Shield/Overboost or Nitro, or a Crowd Controller with Overboost or nitro/Frost Launcher/Tesla Bolt. An ideal blue setup would be Big Shield/Turbo but you will occasionally see Bandage or Big Bandage/Turbo.


    Duelist, Ranger, Rogue, Trap Setter, Kiter, Rouge, Guerilla, Knife Fighter.

    Advanced Tips:

    Stay on the edges of the battle while dancing in a chokepoint. While using this strategy use mines to deter opponents from charging your cover position. If using Double Bubble, fit one with hp perks and one with duration perks. This will allow you to “layer” your shields for prolonged firefights. Use duration first followed by hp. Use your high agility to change direction often making you unpredictable which leads to more shots dodged.
    (Click HERE for a detailed guide on double TS usage)
  6. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    5. Fixer
    Fixers are the best medics in the game. Your main focus should be on healing your teammates while they focus on eliminating enemies. There are variations that allow you to be a combat medic although if that’s what you want to do check out the Reaper.


    Max Speed: 1.5
    Slots/Points: 3RR 1Y 5GGG 2BB

    Items/Load Outs:

    Your weapon build should prioritize blocking off flanking routes, dispersing crowds and preventing charges. The best weapons for this include Mines, Napalm, Carronade, and Explosive Cannon. Nitro makes the best yellow since it will allow you to dodge incoming fire, make a quick retreat or to close the distance between you and an ally who needs healing. Greens can be customized in a variety of ways but ill cover the best builds. For the best balance between team and self-healing use Box/Bolt/Pulse. You can go Dual Bolt/Pulse or Tape if you are good at evading and don’t need as much self-healing. You don’t have a lot of options when it comes to blue items, you pretty much have a choice between Standard Shield/Turbo and Bandage/Turbo. Only run Bandage/Turbo if you chose a self heal heavy load out.


    Ranger, Guerilla, Support, and Trap Setter.

    Advanced Tips:

    Whenever possible keep your team between you and the enemy. You cannot heal anyone if you’re dead, so if your team isn’t in need of immediate healing don’t be afraid to fall back to heal yourself. Just keep in mind that they are still fighting so stay in range and keep an eye on their hp. Repair boxes can be used to conceal mines or to bait enemies into the open. When it comes to boxes, do not spam them in the spawn, most likely your team will not return there. Instead place them behind cover near where your team takes up firing positions.
    Redneck Messiah likes this.
  7. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    6. Interceptor
    With a good amount of speed and firepower Interceptors can be deadly if left unchecked. With one of these you can blindside your enemies and disappear before they know what hit them.


    Max Speed: 1.62
    Slots/Points: 6RRRR 1Y 4BBB

    Items/Load Outs:

    When it comes to weapons you want to think of this as a mini shooter. You want to be able to dish out massive damage but still have some versatility. Common builds include Swift/Flare/Duel Explosive Cannons, Big Torpedo/Flare/Blast/Explosive, Duel Fire Bomb/Duel Blast. Nitro and Overboost both work well on this ship, Nitro being primarily for duelists and Overboost being used by Flankers and Guerilla style players. Blues would be the same as a Shooters.


    Brawler, Duelist, Ranger, Guerilla, and Rogue.

    Advanced Tips:

    Even with a Big and Standard shield equipped this boat is fairly squishy due to the leveling limitations set by ship pieces. It is best to play conservatively using alleyways to flank unsuspecting targets.
  8. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    7. Reaper
    The true combat medic or selfish attacker, this boat can throw a major wrench into an enemy teams strategy. Make up for a lack of shields with speed and self-healing. The Reaper is the Jack of All Trades!


    Max Speed: 1.51
    Slots/Points: 4RR 2YY 3GG 2BB

    Items/Load Outs:

    Really any combination of weapons can be effective here, just make sure they are both of similar range and cool down. High cooldown items work great here because they pack a punch and leave you time to use your utility and healing items. Commonly seen Dual mines, Dual Carronades, Dual Explosive Cannons, and Flare/Blast. It is best to use speed items in your yellow slots as they provide a quick escape so you can self heal. Overboost/Nitro and BiNitro are the most common. Almost every reaper out there is running Dual Duct Tape which is great if you don’t want to rely on others to deal damage for you. There are a few Reapers who run Pulse/Tape or Bolt/Pulse but these are extremely rare.


    Duelist, Guerilla, Trap Setter, Recon, Distraction, Support, and Combat Medic.

    Advanced Tips:

    Reapers can serve as a bullet sponge taking the heat off their allies only to disappear, heal to full hp and return to keep fighting. As a Reaper you want to keep your distance when engaging, this will give you a better chance to dodge heavy hitting weapons like the Explosive Cannon. Keep an eye out for Flares, when trained these debuff your self healing making you vulnerable.
  9. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    8. Guardian
    A support class tank who’s primary responsibility is to protect their team. This is the only ship that can make full use of teal items to give their team an edge in battle.


    Max Speed: 1.51
    Slots/Points: 3RR 4TTT 4BBB

    Items/Load Outs:

    Due to the nature of the Guardian, you will likely be located closer to the front lines of combat than most other ships. This means that mid-close range weapons should be equipped to this boat. Flare/Explosive or Fire Bomb/Blast are both good options for this. The best Teal item build I have seen so far is Dual Defense Wall/Cleanse Pulse. Bolster Armor is a viable replacement for one of the walls. This ship has the standard blue setup allowing for a Big Shield/Standard Shield/Turbo or Big Shield/Bandage/Turbo.


    Duelist, Ranger, Trap Setter, and Support.

    Advanced Tips:

    You can use the Defense Wall to block incoming mortars by turning the wall towards the epicenter of the mortars impact radius. Keep in mind the Defense Wall will NOT block incoming torpedoes. Fleeting with a Fixer will allow you to use Defence Aura to its full potential. Your allies will already be clustered to receive healing from the fixer and you can further reduce the damage done to them while being healed yourself.
  10. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018

    For another perspective on ships and load outs check out this guide by @Redneck Messiah
    And as always, thank you for reading!
  11. rexaroni

    rexaroni Member

    20 Nov 2017
    This is a great guide for newcomers and obviously very well thought out. Thanks for taking the time!

    Cute dog btw
  12. Redneck Messiah

    Redneck Messiah Well-Known Member

    28 Oct 2018
    Damage Depot
    Really a great guide, my dude. The Bay now has two excellent loadout-crafting guides for newbies and pros alike!
    JoshW likes this.
  13. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    Glad you liked it, you can probably tell there was some magic added by @TheAntiSnipe
    If I get the time I'll try to finish polishing it.
    I typed it up in Microsoft Word and when I copy/pasted it the text effects didn't carry over :/
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  14. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Lol I'll take care of the rest for ya ;) This one is going in my Honorable Mentions section later :D
    JoshW likes this.
  15. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    Awesome! Thank you, hopefully it'll help some people find their sea legs!
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  16. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Aight, all done! Was a lot of fun lol
    JoshW likes this.
  17. Redneck Messiah

    Redneck Messiah Well-Known Member

    28 Oct 2018
    Damage Depot
    JoshW and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  18. Sidd gamer

    Sidd gamer Active Member

    8 Jun 2018
    This reviews are really funfun to read and interestinginteresting
    JoshW likes this.

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