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RNG & New Gear

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by YerJokinArnYer, 27 Mar 2018.

  1. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    One of the problems I've heard when completely new weapons or other gear are suggested, is that it further hurts your chance of obtaining any particular weapon that you may desire.
    Eg rather than have a 1 in 27 chance (say of getting the weapon you want) adding another weapon changes the odds to 1 in 28, and so on for every new weapon you add.
    This especially makes it tougher for F2P players (as they accumulate gear slower). P2W players would quickly get those shiny new weapons, whilst F2P players would look on in envy for months before they had enough copies to build a powerful enough version.

    However, what if Rovio said “we’re going to introduce a new weapon, so to keep the odds the same, each player can choose one weapon each that won’t come up in their RNG”.

    So if the mythical harpoon was finally introduced, I may choose to remove the ‘big Berta’ from my RNG (as I’ll never use a 2 slot weapon on my enforcer). So after the change, my odds of getting any weapon remains 1 in 27 (or whatever the current odds are). Another player could choose to remove the standard cannon, as they don’t think it’s powerful enough. It would still take F2P players a long time to get enough copies, but at least it wouldn’t be any longer than it is now.

    Anyway, the key thing is that this would be a way of being able to introduce new weapons or other gear without worsening the odds of getting what you want.

    If devs wanted to accelerate the progression of players, they could allow them to select multiple weapons to take out of RNG. It would be much quicker to get what you wanted if the odds were 1 in 15 say.

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