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Retraining Immediate For Crew Trained To 20

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by RangerCA, 20 Apr 2018.


Retraining immediately???

  1. After level 20 per crew member? Sure!

  2. After retraining and paying sugar to switch between one skill? Sure!

  3. Both suggestions made me VOMIT VIOLENTLY!

  4. I'm okay with the alternative suggestion.

  5. I'm okay with the primary suggestion.

  6. I like both options!

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  1. RangerCA

    RangerCA Member

    23 May 2017
    I'm not sure how much is spent on retraining, but when the quests call for it, I keep wishing that by some point I'll be able to freely switch between skills without waiting 4 hours per weapon swap. The idea is relatively straightforward: By level 20 (tier IV weapon evolution level), allow players to retrain immediately for only that crew member. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who want to experiment with new weapons or loadouts, but are punished in doing so due to the fact that you actually get more locked into your current loadout as you progress.

    An alternative suggestion would be to allow players to retrain once + sugar price and be able to switch between them without waiting from that point onward.

    Should you disagree
    Personally, I love to use a different weapon every time I play the game, sometimes a completely different play style (as quests encourage). I feel retraining is counterproductive to gameplay and further encourages complacency rather than evolving as you progress. Before any of you naysayers respond with "DOOD! It only takes an hour per skill!1!" do keep in mind that it not only disrupts typical training, but it also....
    May be a deterrent to playing in much the same way as making an account on a browser game would be. "Got a legendary Missile Launcher! Too bad I use Mine on Enforcer, and would have to wait 6 hours each time I want to switch between them. I'll be back tomorrow!"
    Adds another waiting timer to a game that is already pretty heavy on the waiting theme. "I'll be back tomorrow!"
    Doesn't make much sense Bernice — an Engineer — has to learn how bandages work every few days. "Give me an hour and I'll be as much of an expert I was yesterday!" (Forgive me, nitpicking is a hobby of mine.)
    Participaring in quests with untrained weapons damages both the infamy and the guild's progress due to losing matches and using weapons below full potential. "Sorry. [guild leader]. I think I could have done more in that last quest if I had retrained to Napalm in time..."
  2. kurdish bndo

    kurdish bndo Active Member

    26 Nov 2017
    I don't ask a lot of pearls , but i would love if i can retrain a crew when he is already training , or when any other crew is training at lvl +20
  3. SeaNavy

    SeaNavy Well-Known Member

    31 Mar 2018
    I think it should be that if you've retrained it in the past, then you can immediately switch to that skill without having to wait an hour. So first time, you'll need to wait and then after that it's should be instant.

    Lol I had "don't" in the beginning of the sentence and editted it out

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