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Required update and fix for Following...!

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by AVID, 7 Aug 2017.


Required update and fix for Following...!

  1. Yes

    5 vote(s)
  2. No

    1 vote(s)
  1. AVID

    AVID Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    1.) Mass Delete option in friends list.
    2.) Showing status of the Player as fleeted, when already fleeted with some one ( As so many are thinking that i am not fleeting with them spontaneously, when they request and removing friendship. they are not understanding that i am already in fleet).
    3.) Current session profile badge should be restored. (Not season top badge).( Where in our profile previously it showed current session badge, it got disappeared after update).
    4.) Matchmaking should be fixed. ( Match making not good after update.)
    5.) Friend chat Search option not working, even exactly typing the tag also...To be fixed
    Last edited: 11 Aug 2017
    lakshya and Riddlerpaji like this.
  2. AVID

    AVID Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    6.)Unable to find Guilds name on search, should be fixed. tag search also not working.
    7.)no option to search guild names when we are already in guild.
    8.)unable to see guild total count.
    9.)Fire bombs are hitting even we are out of circle exactly. where i am near to circle also hitting fire bombs hp count...this is not fair. happens to me trice. i observed.
    Last edited: 25 Sep 2017
    Riddlerpaji likes this.
  3. Carnistix

    Carnistix New Member

    18 Sep 2017
    Love the game. But the one feature i would love to see is an unfriend button next to the send friend request button. That would keep floaters and runners from being matched on your team in the future. Have to agree with the previous post. Matches are not good since the update. I fairly consistently score in the top 50% of my team in damage (unless caught in 4/5 on 1 fight) but loose most battles since often 1 or 2 or more don't get in the fight. Would love to be able to keep those players off my team in the future. This would also give staff a way to track the ones who should be reprimanded. Or would force floaters to team together.
    BasedCarpen likes this.
  4. Jennyfur3810

    Jennyfur3810 Active Member

    8 May 2017
    Mcallen, Texas
    Recent activity!!! I hate that I have to take screenshots of people's battle counts to see if they have been playing in the past few days.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  5. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017

    This is by far the biggest complaint but they will never fix, they have a tin ear to matchmaking complaints. It's the only thing holding back this game from people taking it seriously. Infamy should be weighted by individual performance, not random teams you are stuck with.
    Carnistix likes this.
  6. Carnistix

    Carnistix New Member

    18 Sep 2017
    I agree whole heartedly. Giving or taking 24 infamy based on team wins or loses is not fair to the players. It should be based on damage done or health given and maybe a bonus for ships destroyed. And if they are going to base it all on fleet performance, than we need actual communications with our fleet. One word flash messages don't help anything. Had a battle this morning where one teammate called for "attach" "together" and the other 3 followed him behind a cliff. Where they hid as i was stuck in a 5 on 1 battle. Or they will sit back and lob mortars and torpedoes from a distance and never actually get in the fight. I broke 500 infamy once, but for the last week I've been stuck below 300 because of players like this. Games no fun if you can't advance. And why does the store only let you have 1 of each weopon type when you need 2 to evolve it? I have items ready to evolve, but can't because I can't buy them and they don't show up in boxes. And open perk slots but shop only offers perks i already have several of. As i said.. Love the game, but if I'm stuck with a bunch of noobs or cheaters with no way to advance, then I'm wasting my time and I'm out.

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