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Questions about choosing perks

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by I Am A Beginner, 4 Jan 2019.

  1. I Am A Beginner

    I Am A Beginner New Member

    23 Jul 2018
    OK.After I spent all my guild tokens yesterday,I got a lot of not very practical pesks(at least to fixers),so with a little depressed mood,I came back to ask questions again.
    Q1:I got two EPIC torpedo perks (more dmg&more dmg to slowed enemy) For a fixer, should I keep them,or just sell them?(I don"t play torpedo much,so if you think I should keep them,please leave comments&tutorials,thanks)
    Q2:I also got a EPIC gatling gun cooldown perk,as a guy who didn't play it much, which one should I choose,uncommon dmg perk,or EPIC one?(though it sounds like a dumb question)
    Q3:I have a tier2 Lv11 EPIC mine with two rare perks which got in TDM before(quickshot&reach),should I switch them?(I have put a uncommon range perk)
    Q4:Last but not least, as a fixer,which one should I choose,more hitpoints or more defence points?
    1.png 2.png 5.png 3.png 4.png 7.png 6.png
    Last edited: 4 Jan 2019
  2. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    If you don't use them much, AND you don't *plan* to use them in the long run either, just scrap them in my opinion.
    You're playing Gatling? On a fixer? I'll say this, you aren't going to do any good with a gatling gun, on ANY ship xD. If you want to keep it, again, keep it. But if you don't, sell it.
    Yes, the mine event perks are really good, and a rare is always better than an uncommon anyway, so go ahead and swap them!
    Always hitpoints.
    I Am A Beginner and Nikkie! like this.

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