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Question: what does "help" mean?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Thinn Bihh, 29 Dec 2017.

  1. Thinn Bihh

    Thinn Bihh Member

    26 Nov 2017
    4300 infamy mk5 fixer with 3 repair bolts, nitro, bandage, and turbo here. I can't count the number of times I'll spot a speeder, call it out, then have it come right next to me and DESTROY me, all while spamming HELP. Do people not know what help means? Do they not care about this fixer? I'm so used to not being helped I just sit there and let the speeder wreck me. What should I do since I currently don't have a carronade? Just, pay attention to your local fixers spamming help -_-
  2. Eeyore

    Eeyore Well-Known Member

    15 Oct 2017
    Rio de Janeiro
    I feel you bud. Lack of teamwork is really an issue I’m BB. Fixers are value. I’ve used to fleet with @Ragnarog, he was the most supportive fixer I’ve ever seen, better even than @Steroids. I can’t count how many times he revived me lol! And the number of matches that we’ve won because of his “heal work”. Ppl need to be smarter. In most of the matches: take down fixer first. Nothing more fair than protecting them.
  3. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    As an assassin, it's usually my (sad) duty to run in and kill the fixer. I see very few people defending the fixer. Those who do are fierce, and when they defend their fixer, I move on to plan B: Stragglers. Guys, speeders have low HP, if they see a strong defence, they won't barge in. Showing that you are defending your fixer is the battle half-won. The other half is cutting down any fool who tries to kamikaze in before he/she can lay a hand on your fixer.

    Fixers win matches. Bear that in mind the next time you see one on your team. And don't be afraid to take bullets on their behalf, since they can heal you faster than they can heal themselves.
  4. MrSpy720

    MrSpy720 Active Member

    11 Aug 2017
    Fixer can win you matches most of the time. So everyone should have their main goal to protect the fixer in the team. I protect em even if it means to get myself sunk because i know that if my fixer lives I have more probability of winning, especially when unfriendlies are w/o fixer.
    This has to be one of the most basic rule for winning matches.
    Mon4 Lot and vis1234567899 like this.
  5. Thinn Bihh

    Thinn Bihh Member

    26 Nov 2017
    THANK YOU, but I literally have matches where a minute in (where mortars are dominating and the battles just starting) a speeder will come up and wreck me. I just had a speeder carronade me 4 times until I died, all while spamming HELP.
    I like it when it gets chaotic and a speeders messing up my whole team, but it's just ridiculous when they walk up, slowly shoot me, and my team just leaves, like WAT. idk, just wanted to vent
    Mr. Chompers likes this.
  6. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    A shooter using all mortars :- can spam mortar safely,but fails 1v1.if that shooter uses all canons he will be good 1v1,but not team material.Same for shooter with more than three torpedos.You can literally hug that shooter and destroy it

    A speeder using dual carro is a dps monster with huge damage,but the short range makes a lot vunerable.

    One or other way full duct tape fixers also have severe weaknesses...

    I m not against you.But when you decide to you use monotonous item combos you should be ready to face consequences.Thats why you mix up multiple healing items,yellow item or weapons.While using monotonous combos can be extremely beneficial in some conditions,you will have to mix it up if you want to be more successful(4.3k is pretty darn good tho)
    Mr. Chompers, Cyn and ViscountSniffit like this.
  7. Thinn Bihh

    Thinn Bihh Member

    26 Nov 2017
    Yea, I don't know how to share battles, but my bolt trio works miracles when I'm not dead, and because of it, I can hide behind my teammates and hit each of them. The problem is, a speeder will just slide behind them and not a single boat will come help me. Regardless of my green items, a fixer can't 1v1 with one weapon, I just wanna know what goes through people's minds when they're fixer spasm help but they wanna shoot long distance (and miss most of the time!)
  8. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    If a fixer spams help, if he even calls for help one time, I'll be there to help. Simple logic, fixer=heals+distraction. I'm a speederkiller, and fixers are my honeytrap.
    Mon4 Lot, Mr. Chompers, Cyn and 2 others like this.
  9. Cyn

    Cyn Well-Known Member

    20 Jul 2017
    You'll encounter a lot of teammates that are locked in to what is going on ahead of them, and don't have the awareness to keep an eye out for what is going on behind them. So that fixer that's holding up the rear healing teammates is oftentimes easy fodder for that opposing speeder to sneak up on from behind. When I'm playing fixer, I tend to try and stay in the middle of teammates, assuming that they've stuck together. It makes it easier to call out attention to that enemy that is trying to sneak up from behind. Another strategy is to be on that front line with your teammate that is holding up the front. As soon as your opponents appear, they will likely try and target you. Fall back and retreat behind your teammates, let them attack the enemy, while your enemy is trying to fire on you (good evasion skills are necessary if you use this tactic).

    The other thing is your yellow items. If you're relying on nitro or overboost to keep you safe, you will not outrun a speeder. If can use a tesla bolt on that speeder that came up from behind, and try to position yourself closer to teammates while calling out for help, you can usually buy yourself some time. One of my favorite things to do is to nail that speeder with a tesla bolt move inside one of my teammates, and force that speeder to move in also. They'll either retreat back around, or move in and start drawing fire from both a teammate and you.
  10. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Just ran through this scenario at my 700 infamy level. Same stuff happens. The fixer was under attack from a heavily geared M4 shooter. The rest of the team had gotten separated (like usual). I was the only one who responded to the calls for help but I was already severely wounded AND outgunned. I wasn't enough on my own to save the fixer or myself. It's hard to believe stuff like that happens regularly at 4300 infamy. How do people even get that high playing like that?

    That being said, I am training myself to try to pay attention to battle spam. I call it battle spam because usually it's an utterly worthless distraction from actual needs. At least in my leagues, the only battle chatter I see is in the first 30 seconds:

    "Together!" I have no idea what this means because typically at least two people spam it and we end up with 3 clumps on the map. Together where?
    "Attack!" This means, "Randomly spray torpedoes down range for the next 60 seconds."

    I ignore both and just go about my business. If people want to follow me that's fine. I'm assuming my short-term mission is solo. That's where I got into trouble... ignoring battle chatter in general. Sometimes, someone actually says something useful like the healer calling for "help".
  11. vis1234567899

    vis1234567899 Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    lol i might even stop stalking other spedders and try kill an defenceless fixer even if other ships are shooting at me as taking fixers out can be a gamechanger lol
    Cyn likes this.
  12. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    When you’re playing against a fixer, you need your team to be aggressive. Yet (for some unknown reason) a lot of teammates just want to hang back lobbing mortars, instead of pressing an advantage.

    I play Speeder, and I’ll often end up at very close range, amongst the unfriends, trying to put damage on thier fixer.

    Sometimes, I can see that my team has won, the unfriends are in disarray, and the fixer is near death... but wait! Where is my team? Oh yeah! they’re off hiding behind a wall somewhere... Meanwhile the unfriends are regrouping, my stuns are wearing off, the fixer is healing up, and I’m starting to bleed hp.

    In those situations, I can most definitely be found spamming ‘help’ too, while chasing down the fixer in my speeder. It means: “stop standing around, holding your dicks, and come help me kill these guys!”, it also often falls on deaf ears.

    Edit: but yeah, often people just seem to have very poor battle awareness. Check out this game, you can pretty much see the moment where I realise that none of the unfriends are paying attention to me, and I’m just allowed to float there, surrounded by unfriends, and kill thier fixer.

    Last edited: 30 Dec 2017
  13. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Interesting situation for a non-fixer calling help. Maybe I won't be quite so quick to ignore a non-fixer call for help. From non-fixers I don't expect "help". I expect "Attack xxxxxxx". That's the sort of help a shooter needs.

    On the bright side, the lack of battle awareness works both ways. The other day I sailed into the entire enemy team, cut down both their healers, and sailed out again. By the time one of the unfriends surrounding me noticed what was going on it was too late for both their fixers and I limped away with 90 health.... to be repaired by bandages. As near as I could tell they were all so fixated on their mutual mortar-fest that nobody saw me killing the TWO healers right next to them as I sailed in and around the whole team. How's THAT for lack of battle awareness?

    I sometimes think it'd please me to no end if mortars and torpedoes wouldn't fire for the first 45 seconds of a match. Then I remember all that would cause is people waiting around for 45 seconds so they could then engage in their pointless minute-long thing... whatever it is they think they're doing with that dance.
    ViscountSniffit likes this.
  14. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    One advantage of nightmares (especially speeders),they know extremely well how to play against green-boats.i'll invite you to nightmare customs,fixer is the almost very first boat to die.Even a fixer with leggy items.Hence the boat never gets to top 50,because those speeders take em out almost in the very begning.if you get to nightmare,you wont face the problem you just described
    i know the magic haha,been saved from the focus fire of 4 enemy friends by a tri bolt fixer.its too darn good and if you end up in my team(i m not in night mare) i will know what to do
    ViscountSniffit likes this.

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