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Postmortem: 1v1 Event ; The Good, The Bad & the Evil

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by nikeej, 2 Jul 2018.

  1. nikeej

    nikeej Active Member

    28 Jul 2017
    The Good
    1. This event has favoured the yellow ships , speeders & enforcers. Which is not a bad thing, looking back these 2 ships has been shafted all along.
    2. Finally, rewards worth looking forward to. A choice of parts, pieces & perks.
    3. 1v1 skills has been enhanced by this event:
    Flare + any fire perk Cannon has proven being the stronger point damage weapons.
    Stronger unorthodox weapons such as grenade has been proven to be quite lethal, lobbing it over the rocks.

    he Bad
    1. Matchmaking still being a pain , i (MK6) experienced 70% of my games being matched with MK7, with 1 or 2k higher gear score than mine.
    2. Tesla Shields being OP in a 1v1 scenario , and with the recently added TS HP perk , Tier 5 Epic EC (Loaded with all epic damage perks) has no chance to break it apart.

    The Evil
    Considering all these are hearsay & some are being proven, higher cap players are using lower MK boats to seal club.

    Therefore in conclusion, would like to seek further improvements on :
    1. Tesla Shield, not asking for a nerf, but a HP indicator to be shown on a TS, just like how duration is being shown at the moment. This is not a nerf, but an improvement as with TS HP perk being put into the factor, players are not able to calculate the full damage to break a TS.

    2. GearScore for Ship level to be revised.
    Currently the gear score difference between a mk6 vs mk7 ship is at 170. Quoting shooter as an example , this translate to be 500 hp (not including talent training) & 5 armor. I find it utterly imbalance to value a 500 hp or more difference at 150 GS, where else an epic perk brings you in at 140 GS.
    This should change to counterweight the matchmaking imbalance that some of us are facing

    3. Match making
    Not too sure what bizarre matchmaking algorithm is being put in this event , but i have been facing MK7 all day long.
    I can still handle a mk7 Shooter or Defender (Provided its not a mammoth at 20k HP) , but not an enforcer or speeder . The usual enforcer or speeder that i meet have nearly the same or more than my HP. I have never won a game vs yellow boats.

    If the current algorithm is already considering captain level as a measurement , please do tweak or place some value for captain level . The gap between Higher Cap level is humongous in comparison with lower cap Level.

    In conclusion , though the event has not favoured me completely , i really appreciate the Good (as highlighted in the above) that the Devs has brought to us.
    XQT and Spinners71 like this.

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