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Poll to remove star horder guild quest

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Joey who, 22 Aug 2018.


Keep or remove?

  1. Remove star horder guild quest

  2. Keep star horder guild quest

  1. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Lots of guilds struggle to do star horder quests while there are events but Battle Bay seems to encourage players to play events rather than ranked because of the awesome rewards. So my suggestion is to remove the star horder quest completely.

    Some new quests that could replace it:

    Repair bolt heal - Repair x amount of hp. (Using repair bolt is 10x progress)

    Repair box heal (same concept as above)

    Repair pulse heal (same concept as above)
  2. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Rewards in events are too good to miss, so would be better to disregard star hoarder so people can always clear quests in either game mode.
    Not sure more fixer quests are the answer though, as some guilds do not even have any fixer mains at all.
    Shouldnt be hard to take star hoarder out of rotation, they did it before with mine.
    Joey who likes this.

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