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Pointless Thread that had a stupid person who made it.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by BreakfastTrooper, 20 Jun 2017.

  1. BreakfastTrooper

    BreakfastTrooper New Member

    19 Jun 2017
    Its pretty bad if you're getting bullied by all of your opponents. Don't assume that the bullied one should get better on the game, because instead of complaining about it, put positivity into it. They're just still getting the ropes probably, or maybe it's just they had a spot overtaken too well. Either way, I just want ideas on how we can support bullied ships so that they don't lose infamy unfairly or something.

    Edit: Alright I get it, this thread is stupid and I'm stupid and this whole thing is pointless. Let's just go back to the bay now.
    Last edited: 21 Jun 2017
  2. oDDD

    oDDD Member

    9 May 2017
    What exactly do you mean? Bullied as in all 5 unfriends focusing fire on a single ship? Because thats a big part of the game. If someone makes themselves an easy target, they will pay for it. Bullied in some other way? Then i am not following.
  3. BreakfastTrooper

    BreakfastTrooper New Member

    19 Jun 2017
    Yes, I meant all unfriends focusing on one ship.
  4. Excism

    Excism Well-Known Member

    5 May 2017
    Where I want to be in my life!
    Thats the most effective way to beat someone...
  5. oDDD

    oDDD Member

    9 May 2017
    Than this thread is pointless. Focused fire is an important aspect of the game. Trying to save someone from losing infamy just because they were killed by focused fire is ridiculous.
  6. oDDD

    oDDD Member

    9 May 2017
    So indeed, the "bullied" one should get better yes. Not make themselves an easy target for an entire team to lock on too.
  7. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Guys, bullying, as this guy is saying, is an essential part of strategy. If you're team is all shooters and the opponents are shooter+ fixer, you need that strategy, it's a lifesaver! Dude, I know it hurts, but what can I say? Life.
  8. Vidar-Z-

    Vidar-Z- New Member

    15 Jun 2017
    I had to learn the hard way, since once you leave the comfort of AI / low tiers into 300+ infamy where tier 3/4s are waiting to club you to death...getting 'bullied' is pretty much it from here on in.

    Just don't be the one that goes out in front. Hide behind higher tier ships and provide support fire until you can survive without them.
  9. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    The going is pretty bad down there. I was taken down to 367 once due to dumb teammates, and literally found mk 4s? How does that happen? Im a mk3 myself, but damn...
  10. GhostYasuo

    GhostYasuo Active Member

    17 May 2017
    Most of them will be seal clubbers.But some of them will be very unlucky with horrible teammates so they will drop.Like yesterday I dropped from 1560 to 1272.I got top damage in most of those games with one and even 2 stars at times.I played a lot today cause I have a fever and been home the whole day lol.Now back at 1547.Do not get depressed if you go on a losing streak.The climb back up will give you a lot of experience trust me.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  11. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    People firing at you is not bullying lol... besides, it's mostly in your own hands whether you get attacked or not. Stay back, use cover and movement in a smart way and you'll never be their favourite target. Even less if you're playing defender. If you rush ahead with a shooter boat and then get wrecked, it's your own fault.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  12. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I have been down there in the 400s twice. I try to be the best player, but sometimes it just doesnt happen, ya know? I have 1000+ matches to my credit, but im still around the 800s in infamy. This is because my weapons are no good. Lol. Still working on it. They cant hold me down here forever!
  13. DaveRay35

    DaveRay35 Active Member

    18 Jun 2017
    As a Defender i see a big part of my role to focus fire from unfriends and then draw them into a shooter ambush. Yes it means i can get clobered but if done effectively, eg by using my turbo powered boat so mortars miss, or using obstacles to block canons, it can mean they miss while we hit
  14. Fiesty Wombat

    Fiesty Wombat Member

    21 Jun 2017
    I wonder if developers can make a special snowflake shield to help people go to their safe space and protect from bullies?
    DaveRay35 likes this.
  15. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    I'm going to try and give you some defensive advice. There are ways to avoid getting focused.
    Even if you're on a ship who's job it is to get focused, like Defender or Enforcer, there's usually things you can do to avoid dying.

    Assuming you're on a Shooter or Fixer (since those classes are usually the first to get "bullied"), first, equip a Turbo. The only people who should be able to focus you for any length of time are Speeders. Anyone who tries to focus you with mortars, your trusty Turbo will allow you to avoid the bulk of the damage from most of them. This isn't the same as sitting behind a wall spamming mortars. That's a one-way ticket to death and uselessness, since Speed/Forcers will ride up on you while your team fights a 4v5. No, stick with your Fixer, shoot people, stay behind your heavier teammates. Heck, peek if you have to, but always have an escape route.

    Focus-kills never happen because the target was in a great spot. They happen because he made himself an incredibly easy target and couldn't possibly escape once the crits started coming in. I reiterate, always make sure you are with, and behind, someone else. Don't flank, don't rush, and never be in front to get focused in the first place.

    Shooters are one of the most important classes on the field, they aren't there to mess around. Before Mk5, they're the only class in the game allowed to carry more than 2 weapons, and even at Mk6 they're the only class allowed to carry more than 3. If you stick with the class, especially at higher levels, you will start running into games with fewer Shooters. Sometimes, you might be the only one there. That means if you die, the team's damage output gets cut drastically. Learn how to stay alive now, so I can be protecting someone hardcore later.

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