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Please improve matchmaking

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by -Azie-, 5 Mar 2018.

  1. -Azie-

    -Azie- New Member

    5 Mar 2018
    Hi, I really appreciate the recent post about fairness in battle in battle bay. I respect your efforts to elimate shady play. In this spirit of fairness it would be great if you could adjust your matchmaking system. I just participated in two fights that were incredibly unfair. In one fight the opponent had thee level four boats and a healer. We had one level four boat but no healer. In the next fight, we faced three level five boats with only one on the team I was assigned to. We were destroyed quickly both fights. This type of matching happens way to often. It just seems like it would be so easy to have the same number of boat levels and healers on each team. It would also be wonderful to fleet up with all guild members. It is really frustrating to get a team mate that never participates or just rushes into the enemy and gets themselves killed right at the start of a battle. I spent 5 dollars when I started playing the game because I enjoyed it so much. I have not spent any more money because the matchmaking is so horribly frustrating. I typically spend 20 dollars on “free” games that I get good play time out of just to support developers efforts. I have been thinking of looking for new games since almost a third of matches just frustrate me due to the above fixable issues. I hope you can make some tweaks. I would be sad to delete the game.
  2. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Yup, this is the new player experience in Battle Bay. Like you, I tend to "donate" to F2P games based on the perceived value and Battle Bay only got one donation from me. It won't get any more unless match making is fixed. Honestly though when you look at the pricing model in Battle Bay, I sincerely doubt they care one iota about sums like $20. This is a game that charges hundreds of thousands of dollars for top-shelf gear.

    Here's some hope for you though if you choose to stick with it. Now that I've gotten up to the top end of M4... in fact ready to upgrade to M5 as soon as I get the gold. All my weapons are R40. The new gear is "good enough". I'm at 1900 infamy now. What I've observed is that things are A LOT more sane now. Generally I fight a battle of M5 boats with the odd M4 and M6 thrown in. It's a fairly tight clustering that looks entirely reasonable given that I'm in the upper 20th percentile of players. Fighting one mark up is about right.

    At those early levels you level fast. So what I did was just ignore winning and losing and get into grind mode. The goal was simply to get through matches as quickly as possible, playing hard to win but focused more on speed. With the gold I bought endless reams of blue parts and pieces. With the sugar I upgraded them all. With pearls I bought inventory space so I could keep all the rares & epics for later use.
  3. -Azie-

    -Azie- New Member

    5 Mar 2018
    Thanks for the reply snapshot. I’m currently saving gold to get my boats to level 4. I really love this game when the battles are evenly matched, it is just rare for that to happen. You are probably right, I doubt they worry about/care about lower level players game experience to much. As long as the big money players are happy not much will change. Hopefully as I upgrade my weapons more and get closer to level 5 boats I will experience the same leveling of equity as you did. I appreciate you taking the time to share the info.

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