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Please evaluate this setup and offer tips for gameplay to increase infamy

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by xXTrey57Xx, 7 Jan 2018.

  1. xXTrey57Xx

    xXTrey57Xx New Member

    21 Nov 2017
    Hey guys and gals.
    First post, although I've been around the forum a month or so now. Here's the deal, check my MK4 Shooter setup out. After going thru most of the weapons in the game I find these are better suited for my playstyle. I like to hit from range but also be ready once things get mid to close. I've only been playing a couple months and find mostly it's having weak teammates most the time that's killing me. I can usually take down 2-3 unfriends myself,but if my team ain't hitting on nothing I end up with 3-4 coming for me. Just hit 1000 infamy last night so I know now is very doable. Any tips for playing with others when they for lack of better words sucketh ass?? Any and all help would be appreciated. Also another caveat...I only like playing shooter, so I usually scrap everything not related to the weapons I have now as I'd like to work on all rares and maybe eventually some legendaries....I know I know I'm jaded....it's what I like tho....lmao.

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    Nam_Nam and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  2. Rinse & Repeat

    Rinse & Repeat Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    New York
    Well welcome to the forums!... belated
    Your setup looks good... just aim your shots and don't sit in the back lobbing mortars be sure to support your team as best you can...
    Thats the problem most players face... bad teammates...
    -use the in-game commands: telling your team to stay together and focus on certain targets helps get more wins... it may be hard using the commands in the heat of the battle but you will (and should) get used to it because you are probably going to end up leading your team if no one else takes charge
    I wouldn't try to take on the whole team by urself you need to help your team so they stay alive... tell your team to focus on one target... when that person is dead focus on the next, rinse and repeat...
    just remember at your level you don't have to commit to one play style quite yet... later in the game it gets boring its nice to have multiple setups to change the playstyle up when you get bored...
  3. xXTrey57Xx

    xXTrey57Xx New Member

    21 Nov 2017
    Thanks for the reply Rinse and Repeat. Yeah I feel that as most times maybe cuz of hit points or the fact I use the ingame chat people will usually say follow me. I try to mostly call out opponents and focus on getting people down to less than 1000 HP with the LRM'S before I move in for the kill with the EC and BC.
    Mr. Chompers likes this.
  4. fr4nk1yn

    fr4nk1yn Well-Known Member

    19 Jul 2017
    My biggest suggestion would be to try new weapons. Really try them. And don't scrap to fast. There may be a time you have to adapt you playing style.
    At different levels you'll experience different unfriend loadouts.

    When your team does something stupid there's nothing you can do. But sink.
    I often head out to distract the unfriends from a distance. When the friends get distracted by a shooter like a ferret by shiny keys I get swarmed and sunk.

    One other thing, a flare gun with the explosive and blast cannons can be extremely powerful. Or if you good enough for blast cannons try the grenade instead of flare.
    Mr. Chompers and xXTrey57Xx like this.
  5. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    You have a great setup, but there's two weapons you should try:
    1. Sniper cannon. You should replace your blast cannon with this one day, the higher you go, the faster your enemies get. Also, it has no handicaps at point blank range, and the crit damage is outrageous.

    2. Big torp. One day, replace one of your LRMs with this, it has HUGE potential in the right hands. You just need to be good at prediction, and you'll find yourself being super confident at close range because you can hit them accurately with a really powerful punch.
  6. Rinse & Repeat

    Rinse & Repeat Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    New York
    As long as you know what you are doing... I usually say play it safe... if unfriends have a fixer then by all means get every kill you can... but you don't want to get yourself killed in the process...
    Last edited: 9 Jan 2018
  7. Tmfh67401

    Tmfh67401 Member

    20 Nov 2017
    Welcome to the Bay! You sound a lot like me so here is my setup. I only keep what im willing to use. I really am not a morter guy but the ball park really has saved my butt when it hits. Play around with different weapons and when you like them level them up and blow them ships up. The Ex cannon straight stops ppl in their tracks once its leveled up. Good luck and hope to see u on the Bay.

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    xXTrey57Xx likes this.
  8. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Welcome to the forum. I like your setup. My only suggestions would be that you work on Brock and try to get your hit points and defence higher.

    It might also be worth working on some alternative rare weapons, in case you don’t find a duplicate for that epic BC. It’s gonna start feeling pretty underpowered soon, and even if you do find the duplicates, epic items are super expensive to upgrade beyond t3.

    Regarding teammates... that’s just part of the game, and there is a certain artistry to being in right place at the right time, which just comes with experience. Keep an eye on the minimap, try to know where everyone is, and make sure you’re always looking around. Too often I see players throw games away, because they were focused on the wrong ship when there was a low hp guy behind them who they could have finished off, or a teammate in a close fight, who they could have helped to win.

    Try to call out your targets, and make sure they’re good targets, that your team can hit. I usually avoid calling shots on speeders and defenders, as they tend to soak up a lot of fire that would be better spent on taking other ships out of the game early.
    xXTrey57Xx likes this.
  9. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    One word--FIREBOMB,equip it instead of mortars.The best weapon from begining-end game
  10. xXTrey57Xx

    xXTrey57Xx New Member

    21 Nov 2017
    Thanks all. I appreciate the comments and tips!! Please feel free to add me ingame as I play as much as I can.
    Babablacksheep...I have read somewhere else in the forum about this weapon or using that along with damage to burning enemies perks. Is it really that poweful of a combo?? As it stands damage wise my
    epic lrm@level 15 does 389 damage
    Rare lrm@level 25 does 413 damage
    And Explosive Cannon @level 20 does 374.
    I understand doing damage to things that are afflicted with a modifier (I used to be a big time WOW player and had one of the best DK'S on my server and also a pretty badass warlock also).
    I've tried the FB once or twice but I guess you have to like it enough at least to level it and equip perks for it,also retrain crew to gear towards FB damage. Is it really that good? I think I'll take other advice given and start checking the top players on YT and see what's what...let me know!
  11. Uerguy

    Uerguy Well-Known Member

    23 Jul 2017
    Shooting torps and cannons.
    nowhere in particular
    Have you ever tried a torpedo?
    xXTrey57Xx likes this.
  12. xXTrey57Xx

    xXTrey57Xx New Member

    21 Nov 2017
    Yes...I tried triple and big. Big was doing 719 damage before I scrapped it. I kinda liked it but seems like it's best use is up close(just beyond the green targeting line) or getting a lucky hit launching one as you work toward the enemy. Just wasnt consistent enough for my style. When it did hit, it hit hard I will say. I dodge sooo many torps myself as long as I see them coming and imagine others do as well. It could become a backup weapon or for questing no doubt. And also towards the evening is when I tend to partake in few brewskis and my aim with it suffers badly...lmao.
  13. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Burn damage rules nightmare currently,almost every other speeder uses Flare+Exoplosive.

    Also firebomb has a fairly good projectile speed and a good raduis.The weapon is powerful at the very begining of the game(Most of them grow in power,Firebomb sniper and big T strong from the very begining of the game)

    (Most popular shooter weapons however are missiles,Sniper and Railgun.
    But since you use explosive canon and blast Firebomb is a single most necessity to enhance your weapons.Fire damage is a big amplifier no joke!).
    ViscountSniffit and xXTrey57Xx like this.
  14. xXTrey57Xx

    xXTrey57Xx New Member

    21 Nov 2017
    Ok...sounds viable. I'll really give it a better look once I get another rare FB. UGH...just scrapped one a couple days ago. Those fire damage perks are hard to come by but since I wasn't really looking for them I probably passed on them...thanks again Babablacksheep!
  15. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    keep a mixture of raw damage and fire ones,BHURT alone gives enough fire boost.So its all good without fire damage perks
  16. Ability6

    Ability6 Member

    5 May 2017
    For my 2 cents, I agree with the firebomb, since you already have mortar skills hitting firebombs should be so easy and if you get the training, perks and leveling done they can cause serious damage all by themselves, plus all the bonus fire damage with your cannons will be brutal. Most friends see fire damage ticking and they immediately concentrate their weapons on that unfriend. Good luck out on the bay! :D
    xXTrey57Xx likes this.
  17. Nam_Nam

    Nam_Nam Active Member

    8 Jan 2018
    I’d switch out the blast for a sniper. It’s easier to land at long range (blast can’t even hit there) and the crits are really nice.

    Just a side note, rares are going to carry you farther in the bay, duplicates are easier to find and they are cheaper to level up. I’m not saying scrap every epic you get, just save them for later.
    xXTrey57Xx likes this.
  18. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Bigtorp is superb for crowd control and pulse damage. Not the best weapon for a shooter, but superbly accurate when used well.
    xXTrey57Xx likes this.
  19. 00starlord00

    00starlord00 Member

    15 Jun 2017
    U must lead ur shots while firing. If u want to learn how to land a hit on ur opponents using torps then take advise from "Eeyore".He is the devil himself when it come about torps.
    xXTrey57Xx, Nam_Nam and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  20. xXTrey57Xx

    xXTrey57Xx New Member

    21 Nov 2017
    Lo and behold Babablacksheep. Got another epic just now....guess what it was???
    Not sure if epic is the way to go as it cost more to level it but you cannot believe how I felt when the rares combined and this popped up!!

    So now I have a Firebomb. Not really sure about replacing one of the mortars though(I'm pretty good at range). Anyone have a suggestion from what I have here would be good to run with?? And Once again thanks for all the input you guys have offered so far.
    See ya in the Bay!!

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