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Player issues (Connections?)

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Renzo1101inroblox, 27 May 2018.

  1. Renzo1101inroblox

    Renzo1101inroblox Member

    28 Jan 2018
    Ever since the new event came out, I've experienced lots of annoyance, the lagger and the Away From Device-r/Crashed?

    The laggers are REALLY annoying because they spazz out, teleport back & forth, and they are really difficult to hit and kill, they annoy me because they can do more damage on me(sometimes) than I can do damage on them, and since it's a Team Death match game mode, they can just come back and become a nuisance and possibly affect who's to win the battle.

    The AFD-ers/Crashers, since the new event is limited, has limited tickets and will take time to regenerate, these guys are just feeding the enemy team and can highly affect the tide of the battle since we will be outnumbered and underpowered.

    I know it's an event and will end soon, but just in case if they're going to do anything similar as this, I want it to be different and as fair as possible.
    (Sorry for bad English)
  2. R4Z0R

    R4Z0R Well-Known Member

    11 Nov 2017
    why do u wanna know?
    yeah its your connection, try another device maybe that's faster or use house internet if you are currently using mobile data...whereabouts are you playing from? if i remember correctly the further from server the higher latency, ideal latency is around 20ms or below. Here is a website that can tell you your ping (measure of latency): http://www.speedtest.net
    good luck, maybe try restarting your router...
    some other guys on here might have other advices?
  3. Renzo1101inroblox

    Renzo1101inroblox Member

    28 Jan 2018
    I think my connection is good, I'm playing in Canada, and there are only 1 or 2 players that lag in 1 server, and the rest don't, so I think it's not my connection, rather it's theirs. What I do want to get fixed is when you lag, you shouldn't teleport around the map, you should just stay still and become a sitting duck target so that it's far easier and less annoying to take them out.
    R4Z0R likes this.

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