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overly-sensitive in-game chat censorship

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by DoktorTeeth, 24 Feb 2018.

  1. DoktorTeeth

    DoktorTeeth Member

    20 Nov 2017
    it's not a big thing, but it's still a thing... I can understand censoring derogatory terms and swears in non-English language... but if its part if a legitimate word like "Japanese" or "posted" or countless others... it's getting a bit silly.... I'm not even sure if "poste" is a swear or derogatory term... if so, then I've never heard it and I'm 44 years old... i guess, the intent is noble, but the rule should be: if there's no space between the censored term and the next character, then it shouldn't be censored. further on this topic, people find ways around the censorship anyway by putting periods or spaces between or by substituting characters... so it's pretty pointless to do anyway unless you want to add all the variants to the list or add a section to the censorship algorithm that considers substitutions as a match.

    As it is, it's kind of funny at times because it looks like your cursing when in actuality you were saying something mundane, which changes the tone of what you meant to say. but after the first time it's pretty annoying especially since the word "posted" naturally crops up a lot in ordinary internet conversation.
    Mad_Bulls_007, Ian and ThatOnion like this.
  2. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    It censored bite, too which is just stupid. Since when S bite a swear word?

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