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Noob Matchmaking build

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by LameAdmins, 6 Jun 2017.

  1. LameAdmins

    LameAdmins New Member

    26 May 2017
    -no ship balancing
    -no Cpt LvL balancing
    -no Weapon Power balancing
    -no Infamy balancing. if some players build a float, the infamy balancing is out of order.
    -no team balancing
    -no shuffling at Match End. Crap Teams find together in next Games.
    -Most Pro Gamer play with other Pro`s in float and smash small ships.

    is there anything about a working matchmaking ?
  2. Steven

    Steven Active Member

    10 May 2017
    If never had any issues with the system....exept when I get stuck with stupid ppl but that's not the games fault. You don't have to have a perfectly balanced team build to win....u got to have a smart team. If had rounds were my team has 1 mk5 and 4 mk4s or some 3s against all mk5s....and we win cuz all those mk5s l uckly don't know how to play as a team. If seen teammates with all legendary items get smashed my greens and blues all cuz they don't know how to use there shinny gold toys......
    But again these sent the games fault, it's the players
    GuerrillaPvP likes this.
  3. LameAdmins

    LameAdmins New Member

    26 May 2017
    1. and 2. best players in a match most time in same team. whats that?
    best player in a team has 700 infamy more then best enemy. and he has teammates with mk6 ships and the 700 lower infamy enemy mk5 teammates. whats that?
  4. Steven

    Steven Active Member

    10 May 2017
    I think I see what ur saying here,
    If also been about 2.2k infamy and teamed up against players that had 3.2k infamy....and if had both outcomes, sometimes my team will lose, and some times we win. It depends on the teamwork with an the teams....iv seen players with 3.5k infamy or so running green and blue items....if u play good as a team u win good no matter ur rank, weapons or lvl
  5. Steven

    Steven Active Member

    10 May 2017
    Game example I just played, I went in and the most of the damage to the players u see....and my team couldn't finish off the team! My team was full of idiots but hey shit happens

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