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Nightmare League Infamy reset bug

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by ArctiC, 12 Dec 2017.

  1. ArctiC

    ArctiC Active Member

    18 May 2017
    It is not the first time but it has happened again & again - The infamy reset is not working properly! Well it certainly isn't effecting game play but it is definitely damaging the competitive aspect of the game. Wrong individual might be awarded the rewards deserved by people who woredk hard for it. Also over coming 6700 infamy (set last season) isn't an easy deal :p

    This season K$A, YSL, Black Lotus & Crouch tiger (2 seasons now) havent been reset in nightmare league top 10. please look into this known issue and protect the competitive spirit of the game!

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    Bo Oetjen likes this.

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