OK, this is the 3rd infamy idea of the day.
First of all, all of these ideas are very shallow. They don't actually go very deep in terms of solving any of the blatant issues that would be very apparent to exploiters.
Here's a list of very large problems:
- Separate Infamy will increase infamy exploiters by shifting their TOP items from a more developed boat to a much lower one. For example I have T5 Weapons from my speeder, and if I move it to my MK2 Defender or MK3 Shooter, I can enjoy very easy farming at what 200 infamy?
- How is overall infamy calculated then?
- If the seasons are reset, does that mean your main top ship infamy is reset too if you haven't played it for 2 days?
- How would you prevent players from purposely manipulating their account to gain more resources?
There's really no way to implement it unless you start LOCKING those items to the ships, which make zero sense. There's no way this can work. Please do a search on this forum and read before posting your great idea, because more often than not, somebody has already mentioned this.
Oh and btw, I know where you got this idea from. Brawl Stars, but that game is so different, and you cannot interchange items for each character, so you cannot exploit it in the same way. Secondly, their trophy system is a combined SUM of ALL characters which is completely different than this Infamy System here in Battle Bay.
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