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New Event Idea: Friendly Fire

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by HappyMockTurtle, 30 Mar 2019.

  1. HappyMockTurtle

    HappyMockTurtle New Member

    11 May 2017
    What if there was an event where teammates might possibly damage each other while using mortars, torpedoes, and other weapons? The idea of course is to not do that, but maybe it would make for an interesting event. Players would face a whole new kind of challenge when attempting to take out the enemy without taking out their own at the same time. Damage to teammates could possibly be reduced, but I don't think it needs to be. I'm aware that some folks in the past have deliberately thrown matches for their guildmates and that friendly fire could be used for that purpose, but that's happened without friendly fire so turning it on probably wouldn't change that. Cheers Rovio! Long time player, love the game.

    P.S. I'm #1TurtleLicker :p
  2. HappyMockTurtle

    HappyMockTurtle New Member

    11 May 2017
    Some thoughts about the event since I first posted:

    1) mine lifespan would probably need reducing since all mines would hurt everyone. If too many people used them during a match, the map could become too littered with them to play.

    2) players would be damaged by their own weapons, e.g. shooting a wall with an explosive cannon or shooting an enemy with one while still in its splash zone. Napalm would hurt anyone who passed through it, as would firebombs.

    3) In an effort to remove the possibility that teammates will deliberately attack their own team, make it so that a player can only take half of their health in dmg from teammates, e.g. a 10k hp ship can only be hurt for 5k dmg by their own teammates. That, or a player can't be brought below half health by friendly fire, e.g. a 10k hp ship can't be hurt by teammates after they reach 5k hp or lower.

    3a) As another method to both allow for friendly fire and reduce the chance that a teammate will deliberately attack another teammate, damage by teammates to teammates could be random. Maybe you'll take damage from them, maybe you won't. I don't know what the percentages would be, but a 40% yes and 60% no seems interesting.

    Will edit here and add if anything else crosses my mind.
    Last edited: 30 Mar 2019
  3. NathanaelK

    NathanaelK Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2018
    Anyone out thereā€¦? :(
    There is a BB Subreddit. My in-game tag: #GDHYNGJQ
    This sounds really cool! It would make for an interesting event.
  4. Micro

    Micro Active Member

    27 Feb 2019
    Thats Occupied
    Located in the atom
    So last player standing?

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