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New Debuff /Buff along with: side effects

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by NoTtIaN, 14 Aug 2018.


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  1. NoTtIaN

    NoTtIaN Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
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    In your bed, computer, and screen
    The game gives you a green icon for the active buff - and the buff / debuff is very 'useful'

    my idea is to add a side buff that doesnt give you a direct buff, more of a 'combo', a side effect

    warmth - after taking fire dmg, youll get 10s of warmness, it gives you 10% more healing

    coldness - after taking frost, youll get 15s of coldness, it gives you -5% speed

    surge - after gettin a healin, youll get 8s of surge, it gives you 5% more dmg, 5% more speed

    jumpy - after taking 25%< dmg within 2s, youll get 6s of jumpy, it gives you 15% speed, 20% agility

    armour leak - when a torp / mortar hits you, youll get 6s of armour break, it gives you : take 10% more dmg, take 5-10% less healing

    heres how they work, when something heals / dmgs you / etc has an affect on your ship, youll get the effect for a short while, you cannot do anythiing except to wait... but you can still shoot attack heal etc


    statue (direct effect)
    when 2 frost hits you (to buff frost) youll get statue for 4-6s (depending on opness), statue gives you -100% speed, and you take 70-80% less dmg

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