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Need to balance the "secret formula" for determining stars

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by KellEl, 18 May 2017.

  1. KellEl

    KellEl Member

    15 May 2017
    I'll preface this with saying I've only been playing since global launch so maybe veterans have a different viewpoint which i would love to hear.
    I don't know all the details of how stars are determined as i don't believe the devs have revealed them, but the star rewards seem to be heavily tilted towards damage. Now of course damage is the easiest and most obvious way to see how much a person contributed to a match. If someone scores 4000 damage while everyone else gets 2000 or less they deserve 3 stars. But that always seems to be the way it goes. I'm sure the game tracks other things like healing, but I never see a fixer in the top spot, earning a 3 star. Personally I love running a speeder. But as a speeder my contributions are harder to track. Almost the entire match I'm working my thumbs raw racing in front of enemy lines and drawing their fire or drawing them out into the open. Sometimes it seems that in the course of a match 50% of the shots the enemy takes hit my wake! But I'm so busy boosting out of the way of damage and distracting the enemy that I don't take nearly as many shots as my teammates. So i end up at a 1 star most matches or an occasional 2 star because I didn't dish out the damage as much as the others did. So the conclusion is you get more stars and more rewards if you just add a bunch of shields to a shooter or defender and sit there like a bump on a log shooting big bertha (no offense to shooter or defender players, i just don't find it as fun as a speeder or even enforcer). I think you need to balance out the formula a bit to factor in things like the number of shots taken at a particular ship and put more weight on the amount of healing that a fixer does. I'm sure there are other factors that could be considered a bit more intangible and hard to put into the formula, but an effort needs to be made. Most matches in my experience are 70% shooters and defenders leaving the other great ships in the dock.
    XxAGENTSHAWxX, dikshift and lolawola like this.
  2. peaceful monkey

    peaceful monkey Active Member

    5 May 2017
    1st star-winning the battle
    2nd star dealing more than average damage on the team
    3rd star-dealing 2x average damage of your team
  3. peaceful monkey

    peaceful monkey Active Member

    5 May 2017
    and i agree every ship has a role and we should get stars on how good the role we did (excuse my english)
  4. KellEl

    KellEl Member

    15 May 2017
    No that isn't quite right based on what I've seen reported by other people and I think even a dev comment (although I couldn't find it again). This is what another player said and it matches what I remember the dev posting:
    "Stars are contribution. If you win and do double the average contribution of your team, you get 3. If you win and do average, you get 2. If you are a below average anchor on your team when they win, you get one.

    If you loose but contribute a ton, you can get up to 2 stars even tho u lost.

    Contribution is damage, frosting, stunning, getting kill shots, and capturing if that's how ur team wins, etc..."
    So its not just about damage, but other contributions are factored in. I just feel that this contribution list needs to be expanded and tweaked to include other things or weigh them more heavily
  5. lolawola

    lolawola Active Member

    8 May 2017
    this seems to be false, as i stun enemy all the time, on top of dealing some dmg and occasionally scoring kill shots, but i get 1 star after every match. am usually in the middle of the bracket with 1k - 1,5k on average with a lot of stunning contributed.
    this seriously needs to be looked at, because unless you're playing shooter or defender, your progress in game is seriously harmed and much slower.
  6. MHz3000

    MHz3000 Member

    1 May 2017
    You're sure about that?

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  7. lolawola

    lolawola Active Member

    8 May 2017
    I was in a battle today, forgot to take screenshot, but we won, i placed 2nd with 2k dmg, 3 kills and numerous stuns from tesla bolt. i received 1 star, wtf?!! the guy in first place got 3 star and the guy below me got 2 star...

    what gives? the entire star system is stupid and needs improvements.

    i bought the special offer for 5 bucks, but i have no problem deleting and abandoning this game, if something doesn't change quick...
  8. KnightOfZ

    KnightOfZ Member

    8 May 2017
    I kind of agree it's wacky. I was playing shooter mk2 the other day and I did less damage than the mk3 shooter but I got 3 stars while he/she got 2.

    Summary: Both of us were shooters (we don't contribute anything else but damage)
    I did less damage but got more stars, not that I'm complaining. Just wanted to comment that maybe ship tier might come in to play in the equation.
  9. MHz3000

    MHz3000 Member

    1 May 2017
    Here's one to make you eat your phone.

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  10. peaceful monkey

    peaceful monkey Active Member

    5 May 2017
    i dunno a dev said it i basically forwarded it to this post
  11. peaceful monkey

    peaceful monkey Active Member

    5 May 2017
    As i've said that the contribution from things like teslaing an enemy and stuff like that should definitely count
  12. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Do you use frost cannon?
  13. MHz3000

    MHz3000 Member

    1 May 2017
    Yes I do. I also survived with 80 health so it could've been the shield.
  14. Mighty scorpian

    Mighty scorpian Member

    7 May 2017
    Extreme gamer
    So here is the deal i gt a few matches in which i scores 2nd best and still gt three stars i've also played battle in which healers gt two just for healing they even get three if they do average damage as well! So i think everybody is getting stars they deserve. As a speeder u can do more damage as well and most of the top players use speeder and inforcer so u just need to focus on your tactics
  15. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    3 kills, top damage, 3 stars
  16. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    Screenshot_20170517-102447.png 5 kills, 2nd damage, 2 stars vs fixer getting 3.

    Contribution is key...
  17. JJf

    JJf Member

    22 Apr 2017
    Ok, here is the Miika's post from the old forum.


    I agree it's sometimes weird when you think you've done great work and receive only one star. But I strongly disagree with the players saying the damage is the only thing that matters. I've seen numerous times especially enforcers and fixers receiving extra stars with small amount of damage. I am pretty sure also stunning means something. I believe the game calculates also how many shots you've blocked with your shield etc. Another thing devs have said about contribution is that if you deal 10k damage to a defender who is afk and does nothing, your contribution isn't as big as it was if you had dealt the damage to a top damage dealer of the unfriends. Also fixing an inactive player who doesn't contribute much means smaller contribution than fixing a top player.

    For me the calculation of stars seems to be quite complicated and it doesn't feel right all the time but usually it has a great sense of the battles. For me the biggest problem seems to be speeders. I believe they don't get enough contribution in a battle they run circle around enemies like mad and the enemies waste tons of damage by missing their shots.
  18. SK2300

    SK2300 New Member

    16 May 2017
    The person who is on last hasn't contributed even a HIT in the battle and still gets 2 Star. So somehow there is some problem in this Star System. Yes 1 Star was given to him as we won the battle but how come 20170519_161544.jpg he got the second star? Any ideas...!
  19. Mighty scorpian

    Mighty scorpian Member

    7 May 2017
    Extreme gamer
    He is a healer his healing was contributed in the game so got 2 stars!
  20. SK2300

    SK2300 New Member

    16 May 2017
    Ohh...didn't knew healing also helps in the Star System. Thanks

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