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Need a "Don't Follow" button

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Netsa, 20 Jun 2017.

  1. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Using a pseudo-Speeder set-up on Enforcer, and Shooters are constantly following me. Sometimes it's okay, I just run around in circles and the enemy misses all their shots. Other times I'm just running out with a Tesla to dodge and attract attention, then half my team rushes out from cover to "help" me, and they all get focused instead of me.

    The worst instances are when I'm actually trying to flank. In one game, on the map with the big bridge in the middle, most of us were situated on the control point. I went around to flank, two Shooters went around with me despite using mortars and snipers, and proceeded to suicide-rush the enemy. There was another match where a Shooter flanked, I went to help him, we started getting shot, so we doubled back to our team. A second Shooter followed us, but instead of retreating when we did, he suicide-rushed.

    Sure, the kamikaze bothers me, but I would rather they just not follow me in the first place. The closest to a "don't follow" I can manage is sitting still at the start of the game and following someone else, then sneaking off. Either that, or press "Negative", but no one knows what that means.
  2. ThirstySeal

    ThirstySeal Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Being able to customize one command would add a really cool dimension to the game. Everyone's wish for a new command would be different, so being able to do a personal one would be v cool.

    Maybe an option to keep all commands as default or to scrap one & replace it with a custom command.
  3. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Yeah, it would be awesome for most of us, but we all know there would be one guy every game who would just spam "Balls" over and over, or something like that.
    ThirstySeal likes this.

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