1. Hey please check out our new forum Suggestions and Ideas found in the area "The Bay" - as we love all your ideas and want to collect them in one place, - please use it going forward. :) Thanks already for helping to make Battle Bay an even better experience. Remember: If your idea already exists - simply add your comment or like to an existing one so we avoid duplicates.
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Napalm Graphics Rendering Reduction Preference

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by envylife, 28 Sep 2018.

  1. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I'd love to see a preference to reduce the graphics rendering of Napalm. When there's a couple of those laid down close by and/or some big Xplosions, my device can't keep up, and it becomes temporarily unplayable. I've already got it set on half resolution due to the Napalm. Everything else in the game plays fine, just that the Napalm really taxes out the graphics capabilities. Galaxy Tab S
    PastelPiku and ShipCrusherCz like this.

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