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My VIP is broken

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by MatthewNGBA, 31 Mar 2019.

  1. MatthewNGBA

    MatthewNGBA Member

    4 Apr 2018
    Can I get some help. I’ve had VIP for prob 6 months. Today it isn’t active for some reason. I originally got it on like the 2nd or 3rd of October. When I try to subscribe again, it says I’m already subscribed. But I’m getting no VIP benefits for some reason. I don’t even know why it stopped today since I started vip at start of a month, not the end. I reinstalled game and it does nothing. My credit card is not maxed. I don’t really know where I go from here.

    Also. I clicked restore purchases but that did nothing
  2. MatthewNGBA

    MatthewNGBA Member

    4 Apr 2018
    Nevermind. It’s suddenly working again. No idea what that was about. But in case it happens again, anyone got any suggestions

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