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My post-update review as playing as a fixer.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Roundtable, 1 Jul 2017.

  1. Roundtable

    Roundtable Member

    9 Jun 2017
    With the update, the game play being as fixer has been horrible for various reasons:-

    1) The obvious change is the 50% nerf on the health pulse - Really!.........as there not enough problems for fixers to deal with, Rovio, you guys decided that we deserve less health recover because that we are too OP..........yeah for high level player such as legendary league people who has mk6 upward with great equipment such as higher tier rare and epic items. But let me ask you this question. What is the point of nerfing lower tier health item. Currently my repair pulse do 38 hit point repair, 50% effectiveness nerf reduction that means I get a measly 16 health recover for me against other weapon which easily damage 200 above. What you devs effectively done to me, is painted a giant red dot on my forehead telling them 'hey lets destroy this guy, he can't heal quick enough'

    2) Apart from sniper damage reduction, did you guys bother looking at what effect of the nerf to us fixer has on the unfriends with the second most popular weapons.......mortar equipment. It has been paradise to them. they can just sit in the back of the team and continuous spam mortar to us fixer, sinking us in very quick succession. In my opinion the new OP item is the mortars as playing against there seem to have no cooldown on them, it is just mortar after mortar. I CAN'T HEAL FAST ENOUGH LET ALONE DOING MY JOB HEALING MY TEAMMATES. Why does my sniper kept registering damage at 256, when the I upgraded my tier 3 rare sniper is at 288.

    3) The matchmaking still hasn't been fix (pun intended). Being a mk4 fixer, this game isn't about skill anymore, it is about luck and chance on whether you get pick with decent players. Since the update it is safe to say my luck as been piss poor, your system keep pairing me up with sub-par 'teammates' who don't understand on how to work together, as well as the don't understand effect of the new update has on fixers. We now simply can't go rushing in to saving our teammate unless we want to be covered in the mortar shower. If you Rovio guys look at my battle logs, the amount of time I pitted against people with better equipment and mk5 ship, that over 60% of my battle since the update. I drop from my season high of 2100 to 1700s, Thank Rovio for plying on more problems to me.

    To other guys who will comment on this threads saying if the fixer doesn't work out try a different ship. I got this answer for you I simply can't change ship because I don't any Mk4 ships at my disposal, I spend all my resources on the fixer before the update kick in. It will take too long to earn 1.5 million gold from the 'reward' I get after each match which is about 1000-2000. I can't use my MK3 shooter in master league because that will be destroyed very easily, which mean even less reward or even no reward considering with anti-infamy tanking system in place.
    Last edited: 1 Jul 2017
  2. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    As a speeder I love killing the fixer. It has never been easier. Now we can lock onto an enemy fixer without a problem thanks to the new targetting system. And the enemy fixer can't regen his own hp as fast as before making him an easy kill.

    Before having a fixer on enemy and not on your own team was the worst. Now me and my speeder fleet love enemy fixers!


  3. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Lol, yea, I hate to say it but the fixer nerf was a bit much. Should have been balanced out with an hp boost or something for them at the very least. And the speeder nerf wasn't nearly aggressive enough. They should have had an hp reduction on top of item nerf. And don't even get me started on the forgotten defenders... sigh. Ok. Rant over.
    Kitterini likes this.
  4. Roundtable

    Roundtable Member

    9 Jun 2017
    Btw like be your videos man, always informative and always love your end of match puns, alway cracks me up :)
  5. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    They only gave the level 48s (I think) the huge hp boost for defenders xd. (Mk7)

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