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Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Ovidmikel, 26 Jun 2018.

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  1. Ovidmikel

    Ovidmikel Active Member

    3 Aug 2017
    What has changed . Why be in mvp spot if you don't get mvp awards . It was like that since I started playing over a year ago . What's changed ?? Is there a bug ??? If so what about all the back pay in stars and rewards . Explain why I'm in mvp spot if I'm not mvp... @ grimrepair
    here's 3 examples one the unfriend fixer gets a star doing less damage less healing and a loss how's that. One I'm in mvp spot on a loss but get 0 stars when 2 team mates get a star the other I did 10k damage on top of heals in the mvp spot but only one star 1 star = less gold and sugar ... This started when tdm started . Plz fix fixers get the shaft on stars and rewards as it is.

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  2. wreck your day

    wreck your day Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Enforcer! And future ultimate selfish fixer >:D
    somewhere, nowhere, and everywhere
    That's the fixer life; a few threads are made on this topic already. Devs please buff the stars fixers earn!

    Although it's not like you earn a lot from having stars... whoopee more uncommons to scrap
    Ultrah likes this.
  3. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    There is a bug which is not ordering players by contribution correctly. So being at the top does not necessarily mean you’ve done most contribution. However, stars are correctly being given to the players who do the most contribution. (Nb, fixers may say that this formula is not fair to them, but that is a different conversation).

    You also need to be aware that fixer contribution is not a simple formula to understand. No-one actually knows how it works, but we do know some details.
    For example, if two fixers on the same team do exactly the same damage and healing they are not guaranteed to get the same stars. One factor that we know about is ‘who you heal’. If you heal a player who goes on to deal high damage, then that is high contribution healing. If you heal a player who score no damage, that is low contribution healing.
    Ovidmikel likes this.
  4. Ovidmikel

    Ovidmikel Active Member

    3 Aug 2017
    It just changed I know fixers get shit on stars always have that's not my point . I'm aware helping is not the only thing to contribution . I've played over a year and am used to getting the shaft fixing . Something has changed drastically for the worse . You can't tell me when a fixer does over 10k damge and heal twice that he didn't contribute as much as the 20k shooters did . I know when I contribute and don't . Hell in one example I heal rite at 20k do 10k damage win and get less stars than a LOSING UNFRIEND SHOOTER . Come on!!

    I don't know why I even post this . Fixers have always got crappey rewards even healing the tool damge dealer . Any top damge dealer I or I'm sure any fixer has fleeted with will tell you they don't do as much damge or get as many stars when not fleets with a good fixer . But the fixer don't get .kre stars for helping them . And for those who says it's just no good green crate don't matter much .STARS = gold sugar rewards .'20 30 or 40 % on captain lvl g . And green parts to lvl up ... It's a very big deal.

    This a really good one . EXPLAIN THSI shooter gets 3 stars does way less damge than the top damage that in mvp spot and he only got 1 star for twice the damge .and I'm by no means I'm not talking about the 3 star for the fixer I'm talking bout the 7 k damge shooter with 3 stars


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    Last edited by a moderator: 26 Jun 2018
  5. The Grim Repair

    The Grim Repair Community Manager

    26 Sep 2017
    @Ovidmikel -

    to first answer your question: the player you mentioned got 3 stars because it was "win by capture" victory which gives special contribution.
    There is nothing wrong with that.

    Some forum manners which I would like to point out:

    - please don't write thread titles in Capslock or use capslock in general
    - don't assume something is wrong, just ask - and we will answer
    - don't write several posts after one another. Gather your thoughts first, and write one post

    Thank you. :)
  6. Claudius Maximus

    Claudius Maximus Active Member

    12 Mar 2018
    @The Grim Repair

    Could you please provide any information in relation to why fixer's are under-rewarded (either actual or perceived) in terms of star contributions, as per the purpose of the original post?

    I appreciate that you covered the "capture" stars and note that you have told the OP off like a naughty school kid about his forum manners... :confused:
    StrictSalmon307 likes this.
  7. The Grim Repair

    The Grim Repair Community Manager

    26 Sep 2017
    I've actually already commented on this in an earlier post here:


    What we won't do is tell exactly how the star contribution is calculated, so it won't be abused, however, it is being looked at and refined in the future. :)
    Ultrah and StrictSalmon307 like this.
  8. Claudius Maximus

    Claudius Maximus Active Member

    12 Mar 2018
    Thank you for the update. Not sure in what way that knowledge would be abused but it’s hard to suggest a change when it it in relation to unknown variables. If the formula was to “try your best to heal as much as possible” then I’d like to see people abuse that all day.

    I guess we’ll just have to trust that you guys & gals will test thoroughly and come up with something a bit fairer.

    I’ve furiously been trying to build up another ship (which is no easy task), other than fixer due to the multitude of what I see are “unfortunate circumstances” of how the game de-values the fixer role. They’ve been posted on the forums ad nauseam - minimal contributions to guild quests/ undervalued in star rewards/ even the DM events are not very forgiving against endless spawning damage dealers and mitigate their effectiveness.
    Ultrah and StrictSalmon307 like this.
  9. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Heal the players you see doing most work and you'll have a 10% chance to not get shafted in rewards
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