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Mortimer training

Discussion in 'The World of Battle Bay' started by NcDiablosaur, 5 Jun 2017.

  1. NcDiablosaur

    NcDiablosaur Member

    22 May 2017
    Under Mortimer, he occasionally has traits that you can choose that increases area damage. I wanted to know if the area damage that is affected is by all weapons that do area affect or only mortars. I have seen skills under other people that affect all. I have an explosive cannon and wasn't sure if this would benefit from that skill.

    Thank you all.
  2. Jabynator

    Jabynator Member

    30 May 2017
    I think so, because if this perk just buffed mortars, it would be really underrated and no one would choose it if they have an option to.

    Well, +2% Area Damage for - let's say a explosive Cannon that normally does around 300 damage isn't much

    6 damage to be exact

    But when you have an explosive Cannon like RNG ERIC that does around 2500 damage, it would be

    50 damage

    Forget it...
    2% isn't much, but it'll buff your explosive cannon

    Keep battling,
  3. NcDiablosaur

    NcDiablosaur Member

    22 May 2017

    Many thanks. I understand it isn't much but I am running a speeder and not using Mortars so I figured buff a weapon that I will be using is a good thing to do. Minor buff but still a buff. All told Mortimer will give a 9% increase in damage so all in all that's not too bad.

    Peace and Destruction all!

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