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More Tips for Noobs

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Major Major, 29 Jun 2017.

  1. Major Major

    Major Major Active Member

    28 May 2017
    I constantly see people making noob mistakes and it is irritating that one person can lose the entire match for everyone, due to not knowing how to play the game. So I will give a few more tips.

    1. A mine is not an offensive weapon. It is not a grenade. You cannot shoot a mine at a ship and kill it. It takes several seconds to activate, you'll be dead by then.

    2. Healers follow your leaders. Many times I see Healers following the weakest players, trying to keep them alive. This is a waste of effort. Follow the ships doing the most damage and heal them. If that means you follow them into a danger zone, do it anyway. That is your duty. Fail, and you lose the game for everyone. I often see Healers as the last player in the game. If this happens, you were a coward that didn't do your duty to heal your teammates.

    3. Torpedos are generally useless at long or medium range unless your target is near a wall. It is hard to hit a target with a slow torpedo, the enemy can evade it UNLESS they are near a wall and they will be hit by the blast anyway.

    4. Shoot at the high value targets first. Kill Healers first, then targets with high defense points. But target anyone who is severely damaged and can be taken out immediately.

    5. Don't chase after solitary targets. You will get separated from your teammates and they need your fire support.

    6. Do not chase targets in a circle. If this happens, you can suddenly back up and they will overrun you, and you can shoot them from behind.

    7. Look out behind you! While you are focusing on your primary target, a fast ship can sneak up behind you.

    8. Shooters: keep a variety of weapons, from long range weapons with long cooldowns, to short range weapons like Carronades with fast cooldowns. I have weapons that reload in 12, 10, and 6 seconds, I almost always have a shot ready.

    9. Keep your powder dry. Do not fire your weapons at the beginning of the game, when you are far out of range. Especially do not fire torpedoes. You are only giving away your team's position. The element of surprise is useless if you give away the direction you're coming from.

    10. Lead your targets. Don't play chicken. If you are shooting head-on at a target heading straight for you, you don't need to lead your target. Neither does your target when it shoots at you. Veer off.

    11. Get out of the way! Don't get in front of your teammates and block their shot!

    12. Spread out! Don't get closer to a teammate than the blast radius of one mortar shot. If you get too close, you are a high value target, the enemy can hit two of you with one shot. You are drawing fire.

    13. Today is a good day to die. If you can take out a high value target at high risk to yourself, do it anyway. Take one for your team.
    Last edited: 29 Jun 2017
    LightningBolts likes this.
  2. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    Spoken like someone is sore after loses. Just because other styles of plays doesn't match with you, it does not give you the right to call names. Since the update of the result screen, I see some of the loses were due to weapons not matching up with maps. You only carry so many weapons and most maps, some of the weapons are fairly useless.

    Just take the lost and move on. You teammates are trying as much as you.
  3. Major Major

    Major Major Active Member

    28 May 2017
    Please tell me what "other styles of play" give an advantage to someone revealing their team's position prematurely, or by shooting mines at a short range target, or by blocking a teammate's line of fire by rushing in front of them, or by Healers not healing.
    LightningBolts likes this.
  4. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    I am not saying everything you said were wrong. When your team losing, chances are you are as much responsible as they are. You probably made a lot of mistakes but you often don't see your mistakes. There is a reason you're at the infamy you're at.
  5. ThatOnion

    ThatOnion Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    People shoot torpedos eaely to try and sxare the enemy/soften them up, it really does work

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