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Missed Legendary Perk, problem after update

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Silent Shot, 28 May 2018.

  1. Silent Shot

    Silent Shot Member

    10 May 2017
    So.. I really wasn't going to post anything about this because I have no evidence but some friends told me I should give it a try. After this last update I was unable to log in, I was stuck on the logging in part at beginning and the bar wouldn't move, then it would reset the app and do the same thing over and over, I tried everything from reinstalling the app, restarting my phone, deleting app cache, but nothing worked. So I was about to quit playing until like a day and a half later after the update I decided to try one more time and all of a sudden I was able to log in. I don't like complaining but I was grinding my butt off to get a legendary perk but sadly I couldn't make it, I had several matches with bad teammates and only got 1 star several times, I was able to work up to having only 52 finished of the legendary perk quest.

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