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MikeHawkUranuss inventory

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by TrunkMonkey, 23 Oct 2017.

  1. TrunkMonkey

    TrunkMonkey New Member

    23 Oct 2017

    Attached Files:

  2. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    Ok my suggestion.
    Use that rare grenade not the uncommon

    Make that rare sniper t2 max it and load it with crit perks
    What's ur uncommon big torp hit for?
    Keep fingers crossed for another rare. Ur frost blaster would be good with that berta and big torp. Easy to hit them and does bigger damage when frozen

    T2 epic explosive Canon too.

    What's ur bhurt at ? Get that to t4 it will make ur Canon so fast and awesome
    What are those damage perks for?
  3. TrunkMonkey

    TrunkMonkey New Member

    23 Oct 2017
    Saving the uncommon grenade, will build it up and it's fun sometimes to dual nade with frost.

    I'm uncommon torpedo hits for 654

    Blurt is at 17 I think. Just 3 more until I get to t4, I focused on getting my nades to t4 first.

    I could build up the sniper but I got bhurt all set for blast cannon than sniper

    As for the perks, it's a carronade damage perk so I'm saving it until I get a carronade. The other is a torpedo damage perk, and a railgun cooldown perk
  4. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    Well save it but why not use the rare I'm sure it hits for a lot more.
    Ya def wait for another torp cuz if u can learn how to use it ull love it.
    I was terrible with it at first. But it hits at like 1700 so it's awesome lol once u get the hang. Great for taking out speeders and defenders stuck on a wall with mad hp.

    I'm just tryna help u move up! Cuz lord know i was stuck on that 1500-1700 for everrrrr. One i started fuckin with weapons and ships i moved up to almost 2500. Was like 2 wins away .

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