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Mi-au dispărut 3 boost de x5 fara sa joc cu ele active !!

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Griff!n, 23 Apr 2018.

  1. Griff!n

    Griff!n New Member

    1 Apr 2018
    Deci jucam in fleet cu x5 activ,am cumpărat si de restul perlelor bosturi x5 ajungând la 21dupa aceea joc solo cu speeder si dupa 1 lose cu x2 activ cand verific boost ca sa vezi mai am doar 18 de x5 ce naiba se intampla??

    Attached Files:

  2. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Please post in English so everyone can read your post :)
    Looks like the loss used your boost which is very weird, never seen that before.
    Did your fleet mate experience the same?
  3. Griff!n

    Griff!n New Member

    1 Apr 2018
    I dont know explain in english so good but i try..look i was played in fleet with one guild mate with x5 boost..he leave the fleet i buyed with all my pearls boost x5 and i got 21 after i activate x2 i play one game with speeder i got 1 lose..and when i check my boost i got only 18..why ?
  4. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    You played 3 games total, as the infamy isnt adding up :)
    In the first image you had 21 boosts with 1729 infamy and 8 stars.
    Next photo you had 18 boosts with 1753 infamy and 11 stars.
    The rise in 3 stars and your battle log show that since the 1st photo, you played 1 game and lost, then 2 more games and won.
    So you should be left with 19 boosts, but it looks like the loss has used a boost and therefore you only had 18 which is weird.
    Was your fleet mate using boosts? Did he see something similar?
  5. Griff!n

    Griff!n New Member

    1 Apr 2018
    Bro you didnt see from all my bost in first photo i got 3 boost x2 and he miss like how is normali because i was played soloo after i buy all x5..and when i play solo i dezactivate x5 boost and i activate x2 boost..do you undrestand me ?
  6. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    OK I was only looking at x5 boost.
    So you played 2 games, solo with only X2 boost active.
    The X2 boost decreased by 2 (which is correct) but you noticed that you had also used 3 of your X5 boost, even though X5 was inactive?
    Have I understood correctly?
  7. Griff!n

    Griff!n New Member

    1 Apr 2018
    Yea you undrestand corectly..but i was play 3 games solo how you see in pic with speeder after the lose with bosst x2 active and x5 boost inactive 3 boost x5 dissaper
  8. Griff!n

    Griff!n New Member

    1 Apr 2018
    Yea bro
    but i didnt play 2 i play 3 and after first game and i lose my 3 x5 boost dissaper

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