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DevReply Match Making Getting Even Worst in Every Update

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by The Friendly Fixer, 22 Feb 2018.

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  1. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    According to the gear score chart, my last 2 months has seen me go in a vertical line toward the "you suck" range, since my infamy has flatlined while my gear score has increased, including an MK6 upgrade. Progression feels like a mirage... and matchmaking is too streaky to be random.
  2. MHz3000

    MHz3000 Member

    1 May 2017
    Notice how my losses the enemy healer did above 10k healing. Now this is what happens when my team has the only healer.

  3. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I get incompetent fixers too. Most of them are "pretty good". Some of them are mind-blowingly awesome. In other words, I get the normal distribution you'd expect.

    Are you seriously saying that your fixers invariably suck? That seems implausible.
  4. HairySpeeder

    HairySpeeder Member

    11 Jun 2017
    got to say your gear is just complete bulklshit for your ship xDDD so yeah u kind of deserve bad shitty players, u one too
    What's Up Player likes this.
  5. HectorBarbossa

    HectorBarbossa Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Engineering Data Analyst
    It’s not the shoot was not being counted, but your shoot was not as fast as you’ve got winning streak. This happened to me and other players as well when we’ve got losing streak, after some battle this mechanism start. Sometimes our shoot was on target, sometimes was not, but I am pretty sure it was on target. Your boat speed, and critical damage will get decrease as well.

    But not all players in this forum agree with my assumption. Some people will ask you to “get good” in the battle to get win, some people will says it was how you play it, but we know, it’s not like that. Maybe they’re right maybe they’re not.

    Just suggestion for you when you’re in losing streak, play another game (pubg maybe?), have fun with another game as well, BB matchmaking will never satisfy all players, raise this complain only waste your time, no devs will respond it because they think this already good.

    By the way, Uninstall BB from your device will solve the problem.
    Last edited: 12 Apr 2018
  6. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Battle Bay contains absolutely no such "manipulation". The are zero changes in combat based on who you are or how you have played in the past. The only things affecting are the items you carry and how you play. The combat system in fact does not actually even know anything more of you than your current gear in the battle.
  7. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Without even working as a dev on Battle Bay I totally agree with you. For starters, the sorts of code people are talking about here... But beyond that, I cannot imagine any game company being that duplicitous. Even Blizzard is more honest than that. Finally, why? what exactly would be the point. You setup this entire competition but then rig it? Why?

    For those reading this thread who actually are still capable of thought, here's some things I've observed about infamy.

    • It gets harder as you approach previous ceilings and high points You can speculate this is because of some dastardly deed of Rovio's. Me? I'm more inclined to think that it's getting harder because I'm going up in infamy and the competitors are getting harder. At some point, I can still win some but honestly my team is carrying me. That's where my high points end up... just above what I'm capable of doing without support. But yeah, when I go to push, the ramp gets steep.
    • There are daily fluctuations. This has got to do with the pool of available players at any given time slot. I'm pretty sure that my win rate in my afternoon to early evening is way better than my late evening or night.
    • There are seasonal fluctuations. When the season resets, a ton of infamy is removed from the system overall as the nightmare league gets pruned back to 4000 infamy. Then they battle their way back up again. Well.... who do you think they are getting that infamy from? This last season I just didn't play for two days after the reset. I think that saved me about 300 infamy. What tankers I'm going to see at my infamy are going to show up in these first few days.
    • There are weekly fluctuations. These are tied to the guild quests. In the beginning of the quest week people seem to be pushing for the quests and I see a lot of odd weapons and ships.
    • End of Season Push. This is also a seasonally tied change but it's positive rather than negative so I listed it separately. At the end of the season during the last two days is when people push to get their infamy up so they can get their league rewards. This is when I get carried up slightly beyond where my own capabilities would take me. I contribute, sure, but I'm the weak link and it shows in performance.
    The only type of battle manipulation I've heard Rovio talk about is the "losing streak" rule. As I remember it, if the match making system detects that you are on a losing streak, it will try to place another "losing streak" person on the other team.

    Can one of you conspiracy theorists explain to me exactly why Rovio would pervert their own match making system in this way? What does the company gain by completely undermining the skill based system they set up?
  8. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Of course they cant -- The problem is that the alternative to blaming others is to accept that you might be doing something wrong yourself ;) So when players find themselves with an infamy thats lower than their self-percieved awesomeness, they need somewhere to place the blame.
  9. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    At infamies above 1500 that's my perception too. Below 1500 the whole game is such a disaster that match making complaints are perfectly reasonable and I sincerely doubt that infamy measures player skill... or anything else. I just don't think the problem is in a deliberately corrupt combat engine. I think it's in an accidentally corrupt incentives and rewards system.
    Babablacksheep and Shadow Moon! like this.
  10. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Saying "The players have to adapt to Rovio's screwed up system" is certainly true. One possible adaptation, though is quitting the game and looking for a game that offers a sensible combat experience. I adapted quite successfully. That doesn't change the fact that I think the new player experience is a disaster for the game and Rovio as a company.
  11. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Bradley Thorinsson likes this.
  12. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Sure. If I was Rovio I'd be really glad that you weren't an employee though. It is always so tempting to tell your customers to just go screw off. The problem with that is that they might listen.
    Shadow Moon! likes this.
  13. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Hehe probably good that I dont work in customer service then ;)
    Bradley Thorinsson and Snapshot like this.
  14. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    might or might not be, we don’t know. It sure appears that way though. Or they are manipulating crit hit, etc. the bottom line is they are manipulating the game play to ensure a 50/50 split, it’s not just coincidence or matchmaking.
    HectorBarbossa likes this.
  15. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Ahahaha. Dude, stop spreading rumors. Matchmaking is not "rigged" in any manner. Rather, after ten people are chosen by the algorithm, it shuffles teams so that, if there's two people on a losing streak, they go into different teams so as to prevent streaking.

    Locking this thread, since there was nothing constructive happening here.
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