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Mantra of Winning

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by Su-57, 12 Feb 2019.

  1. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    Well there is no particular way to win every battle . sometimes match making is bad but sometimes its not matchmaking but team player and team work . a good team can change the battle results but bad team can make a winnable battle lose then even legendary weapons can't do anything .
    there are some thing i wana share from my experience hope it can improve battle results .

    in my opinion there are some ways we can improve chances of winning . one of the way is don't do any stupid move . for example few of the battles where our team could have won but lost because in the beginning some players took some stupid moves . i remember at Crude Awakening a battle started and i sent command of stay Together and a defender replied by saying Negative then i saw him and one another player going from behind in the tunnel where they got sinked by torpedoes splashes seconds and then battle became 3v5 . same happened today in destruct 9 map when i saw in the beginning two shooter moved from behind an run into unfriendly territory . they got sinked in first 30 seconds .
    when players think they are too good and they have OP weapons and they can win the battle alone thats the stupid idea ta player can ever have . never just run into unfriendly even if you have OP setup you can win a 1v5 battle . because its like wildlife when Loins are hunting they to just get into a group of animals they keep eye on who separate from his group . when you do some stupid moves like that you become easy target a chances of win reduce .
    But if you are a Speeder / Enforca or a Reaper then its a different thing.

    and If you are using Fixer please don't try be a a reaper and use two or three tapes . if you are using tapes you are just confusing your team specially if you are using two taps and one heal item for team you confuse your team more . if you wana deal dmg better use a shooter or other boats not a fixer . if using fixer then focus on healing team . a hood fixer can change the result of a losing battle to win or draw and a wana be a reaper fixer confused reaper can destroy a winnable battle . because when player see a fixer in team they play in different way some time the take hits by getting litte aggressive and think fixer will heal . so its just better if you don't fixer at all or just focus on healing team but you can use one tap to heal your self .

    always try to avoid mines even if you dropped them at some places its possible unfriendly can also drop some mines at same place . so never trust mines just avoid them .

    one more thing stay together with team but not stay too close sometimes you can block your team mates shots . sometimes you can take a hit by torpedo but team mate also get dmg by splash because you are too close .

    I forgot to mentioned only fleet with same infamy or at least check gear score before fleet . i got fleet request from some player 500 infmay less then me and half the gear score then me . i had to tell them everytime that i get match making against more higher ranked player so its not good idea to fleet with higher ranked and gear score or lower ranked and gear score . maybe you can try in casual but don't try this in ranked results will not gonna be good .

    these few thing i shared from my experience . hope other players can also share there ideas from experience .
    Last edited: 13 Feb 2019
    Nikkie!, envylife and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  2. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Yes it gets frustrating at times.
    Had a game this week and we were winning 3 vs 1.
    I was a fixer, and had 2 speeders with me, against a very weak shooter.
    I screamed "together" as both the speeders were on low HP heading towards the enemy, but they decided not to listen, they raced to get the kill and both died.
    Now at this point I am on 3000 / 7000 HP, and am pretty annoyed by the stupid speeder duo.
    So I nitro towards the shooter and hit him with my rail gun for the win, for some reason the shot doesn't register, and he hits me with a T5 explosive cannon, and it crit's and kills me.
    Looking back if either speeder listened we would have won, and I should have healed up using duct tape before heading in for the final encounter.
    So its a good lesson to stay calm and think it through, even if your team mates have played carelessly.
    Nikkie!, NeptuneGaming and Su-57 like this.

    RACK STAR Member

    17 Oct 2018
    It's part of life on the bay....general rule of thumb. Stick with your wing man if you are fleeted. Find each other early in the battle. And combine firepower and tactics. If you dont....death comes quickly.

    If you are playing solo....find the top listed player by infamy in your match. Hint. It's the name and the top of your friends team. And support their moves. Shoot at who they shoot at. Also if you notice an in friend gets separated from pack. Use your in game battle commands. And call their name out. Say Attack So n So. So you and your win man can focus there.

    Lastly. If any Unfriend is down to their last 4k health. Call in command Attack. And aim at them. Group firing is better then solo firing.

    Some of my suggestions seem like...camping shooter 101. Far from it. These work for all boat classes. Recently played with a good fixer in my guild. I was guardian. He followed me and who I shot at, he shot at, and vice versa. We mirrored each others movements across the map taking out 1 player at a time. With only a flare and mine for myself. And a flare and mine for him. Tactics and teamwork trumps having 5 million weapons.
    Example game.

  4. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    As @BITTERSTEEL told me when I was not yet NML:
    "No kill is worth your own death. Death is final. The possibilities of living... Are endless."

    Since then, I've always tried to stay calm and, even though I might sometimes have as little as 2 digit HP, I've made the most out of it instead of going kamikaze.

    One of my own: "Don't focus on what you cannot do. Focus on what you can, at that moment in time."

    Many times in combat, when one is new to combat analysis, they tend to over-analyze. Don't think, "They have a fixer, we don't, I wish we did..." Think "Okay, they have a fixer. I have a flare gun, we have a speeder with stun. Let's try to work together and lock him down before he tries to heal anyone."
    Nikkie!, Su-57 and JoshW like this.
  5. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    in one battle i didn't even knew that i stay alive for like almost 2 minutes and had only 1 hp left . i got to know it when i finished the achievement of stay alive with one Hp .

    at low health i was using only long rang and fire bombs and sometimes standard cannon. but i was able to deal dmg and and sink one of the unfriendly . that was one of the epic battle i ever had .
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  6. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    its good to see replies by higher ranked players .
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  7. NeptuneGaming

    NeptuneGaming Well-Known Member

    23 May 2018
    lol what when did u become jaws?
    did your original forum account get banned

    RACK STAR Member

    17 Oct 2018
    I am jaws #2. Always switch my name ...was on a heroes of the bay kick. Once every few months. Before this was Hodges #2. Before that Rack Star. Next up will go Original Flavor or Maybe a 90s movie villian. Like..... Sho Nuff'..... a Shark by any other name is still a Shark as Shakespeare almost wrote. Or as Eminem later recoined. I am whatever they say I am, if I wasnt...why would I say I am.

    Just this Rack of Stars 2 cent rant for evening. Night
  9. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Glad to see long rangers play smart and conservative. I think that though aggression has its place in BB, brainless aggression is worse than being conservative.
    As someone with over a thousand shooter wins (I started playing shooter in higher Ace 1) I think that controlled aggression is the name of the game.
    Su-57 likes this.
  10. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    the Top DMG dealer in my team was an example of brainless aggression . he maybe be feeling proud after battle and thinking team was bad but he died 5 time because he was just going into unfriendly for 5v1 battles . i was just looking at how unfriendly team was getting kills easily .

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    TheAntiSnipe likes this.

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