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makes no sense + news on upcoming updates?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Bunta, 17 Aug 2017.

  1. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Hello everyone,

    I am creating this thread since I'm taking a break from Battle Bay due to a few things.
    Please remember, this is not a rant of any kind but my point of view and a way for us to have a decent conversation.

    The thread will be into two categories :
    1- Things that do not make sense
    2- The "boring" part of the game

    1- Things that don't make sense

    When I hear a lot of people saying a maxed out rare turbo or an epic turbo (T3/T4) gives you the maximum speed of any boats, I have to wonder, what's the point of having one ?
    I think we can all agree that the better the item becomes, the higher the advantage is.
    Common > Uncommon > Rare > Epic > Legendary
    So, why would a T5R be the same as a T5E or a T5L ?
    What is the purpose of having a different class item if it does the same thing ?

    When you look at the items in the shop, by class categories, it all seems amazing on "paper" but in reality, it becomes useless at higher tier due to in-game limitations.

    Let's give a few examples :
    T5E vs T5L :
    Turbo : More speed on paper for legendary. In reality, a T3/T4 Epic maxes out any boats. A T2 Legendary, maxes out any boats.
    What's is the purpose of going higher if it's limited ?

    Rudder : Same applies on paper. A T5E maxes out any ship agility. A T2 Legendary maxes out any ship agility.
    What is the purpose of having a T5L if it's limited ?

    Gear Lube : Again, amazing on paper, same thing is applied here as previous items.

    Frost Blaster : -84% for T5E, -93% for T5L.
    Minimum boat speed on the game : 0.35
    After a quick calculation, a level 46/47 Epic OR a T2L makes any ship its minimum speed limitation.
    Why going full epic or full legendary if it becomes the same at some point ?

    Big Shield / Shield : Amazing on paper, again, the same in reality.
    A T5L sometimes has less health than a T5E.
    Does it make sense ? No

    OverBoost : +20% on paper, in reality, the same speed.

    If someone is going to go full epic route on those items, shouldn't (s)he have a more advantage to someone going full rare only ?
    The same can be applied to Legendary vs Epic (i am not talking about weapon class items).

    When someone asks me why do I have a T4L turbo and what is its advantages, my answer is pretty much "No luck ?".
    When someone asks me how is my OverBoost / Big shield / Frost blaster is and if I would recommend going the legendary route, my answer is pretty basic : "It's useless after a certain point".

    Why should we have a limitation for those who want better classes items versus those who can't / won't do anything about it.
    It may be called balancing the game and although i do agree at a certain degree, why would someone have the same advantages if they pay $500 (for epic) or $5000 (for legendary) than someone who's too cheap to even look at ads ?

    It's like saying this :
    2 people : 1 buying a house, 1 not wanting to buy a house but wanting to live life as freely as possible.
    Can the "cheaper" of the two complain if someone bought a house or buy furnitures ?

    And it comes to the same here : People who don't want to pay (no money, too cheap to pay something, too lazy to watch ads, etc...) complain about those who do and ask for more balances.
    Why should they have the same advantages than those who pay (even though they paid a very little amount), not to mention those who do put a massive amount of real money ?
    Isn't the point of those items be having more advantages so Rovio can make more money ?
    If everyone who sees the limitations and can't recommend to other players going that "special" route, Rovio wouldn't be making money.
    If going that route because it's very expensive but has advantages, Rovio would be making more $$.
    Let's face it, not a lot of people can do that. Therefore, giving advantages to a very few.
    Trying to hook someone can have a massive income increase.

    (Again, I am not talking about weapons here)

    Let's make a very quick (and unbalanced) comparison for price to performance ratio :

    Rare : Can buy from shop, abundant parts while scrapping, can buy from the 6hours shop > Free or near free
    Epic : Can buy one (1) from shop, can find at times from the 6 hours shop, minimal while scrapping, in premium/epic container > Price range from $20 - $500 (depending on luck).
    Legendary : Extremely rare from scrapping, one random legendary part from Nightmare league, epic container > Price ?
    Let's say you want a T5L turbo (!!!), you need 6 items. 6 items = 60 blue parts. You are extremely lucky (which, let's be honest, it never happens in the game), you need to open 60 epic containers. Let's say you got extremely lucky while scrapping, you got 10 of them (utopia).
    You need to open 50 epic containers.
    The best "deal" is those 14 000 pearls deal :
    50*3900 = 195 000 pearls
    195 000 / 14 000 = 13.9 > So 14.
    You actually need to spend 1400 to get it. Again, it never happens but the minimum is $1400.

    Why would someone who spend nothing on this game have the same advantages than someone who pays that amount (epic or legendary) ?

    The limitations make no sense since epic should be better than rare, and legendary should be better than epic (again, not talking weapons).

    Can I recommend going the legendary route? No !
    It gives a big advantages to those who start the game, but after a certain point in game, it becomes useless.

    How can Rovio makes the mistake of showing us something amazing in the shop (description of items) and when you finally succeed to get it, it becomes useless ?

    I could go on and on but you get the general idea here.

    2- The " Boring" part

    I am not going to add more about what has been said already countless and countless times over about the lack of contents, game modes, etc...
    We all know that, we all want new things (maps, guild wars, training area, etc...) so I'll stop to that.
    The devs know they need to bring more contents and I'm sure they are working on them (hopefully ?).

    But one thing they could do for the community, is to give us any ETAs.
    It's been months and nothing coming from them make things worse.

    It's getting boring. Everyone think so. Battles are fine but it's always the same players, always the same everything.
    Changing boats (for those who can) might help a little but it's basically the same.

    Again, this is not a rant by any means. If users / devs can add their 2 cts, it will only be better. Communication is key in a business standpoint.

    Before someone tells me "Bye and don't hit the door hits you on the way out" > I don't think Rovio would be too happy to have one of its biggest (if not the biggest) spender/customer leave. We are a small % and keep in mind, people spends for 2 reasons :
    1- Have advantages in the game (...)
    2- Help the company for the development of the said game.
    If no one pays, you freeloaders wouldn't have this game to begin with.

    Any off topic discussion would be reported to the admins and removed as I want a "free flow" discussion. No F2P vs P2W arguments either.

    Thank you for reading.


    PS : I would still like to thank the devs. especially @Miika since he's been trying to help me with a few issues, and I know, creating a game is nothing for difficult. They've done a remarkable game and we all need to acknowledge that (we all do). So, thank you Rovio for letting your devs go "wild" on this one.

    edit : added more in the 2 section + "PS"
    edit 2 : typo in "PS" section. Correction made : Added K to "than"
    Last edited: 22 Aug 2017
    Mr. Chompers, Valfreg, Rivet and 18 others like this.
  2. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    Good points Bunta.

    To illustrate one of your points.. I have an Epic T5 Rudder with 4 epic 20% speed perks (all my training too) and I'm at 1.41 as a Defender. The max is 1.42. So a Legendary wouldn't do much once you get past a certain point.

    I'd love to see some sort of trade-in for legendary pieces. I have a bunch of green and yellow which i'll never use. Why not lets us trade them in (2:1 or 3:1) and get pieces we can and want to use?

    Oh and I think Banderas out spent both of us LOL.
  3. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Hey bro,

    I would love trading but there would be way too much cons opposed to pros.
    Example : You create a second account and you trade in between accounts. It would be total chaos.
    Also, it would mean lesser $$ to Rovio which isn't their business model (No companies for that matter).

    I think they should remove the limitations and add more contents, but that's just my point of view =)
    Mr. Chompers likes this.
  4. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    No you misunderstood me. I'm talking about Legendary pieces. So say you have 6 out of 10 green legendary pieces, you could swap them for a different color. People would love that. Plus you still paid (or scrapped) to get those pieces. Why not be able to apply them to item categories you'll actually use?

    I use no green or yellow items. So why shouldn't i be able to trade those pieces in for red or blue ones?
    Mr. Chompers likes this.
  5. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Oh !
    Yeah that could work if let's say every piece costs an amount of pearls.
    They could implement that and make $$ out of it.
    Maybe 3900 pearls per piece ? Like an epic container.

    They need to make money so if we can implement a system that make them more $$, they wouldn't say no i think
    Mr. Chompers likes this.
  6. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    Let's not get crazy now. How about just a swap ratio of 2:1 or 3:1?
    Mr. Chompers likes this.
  7. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    We can keep dreaming too lol
    Point is, they need to make money out of everything. Which is fine but finding the perfect spot is harder.
    Thing is, you get less green, yellow and blue than red.
    Makes sense since there are more weapons.

    IF they do the 3:1 ratio, they would need to increase the odds of other "classes" so you get to pay more.
    Of just keep the same system but exchange for a "fee". Maybe not 3900 pearls but close enough.
    In any case, it's a win-win for everyone.

    But it will probably never happen so... =(
  8. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    Except you did pay to get them in the first place. Should be much less.
  9. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Maybe 2000 - 2500 pearls ?
    Would be nice though...
  10. SmokersCough

    SmokersCough New Member

    8 May 2017
    I agree, I've always wondered why there were limits on how fast a ship can go, but I didn't know they max out at Leg tier 2-3 D: damn
    Bunta likes this.
  11. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Nice shades btw ! LOL
    American Super Star :cool:
  12. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Yeah, beside weapons, a T2 legendary maxes out almost everything. No point in going further tbh. Beside have the logo changed lol
  13. Elitist

    Elitist New Member

    10 May 2017
    Addressing the second point made by Bunta, I agree that there really needs to be greater transparency from the devs regarding future updates. It's integral for the player base to, at the very least, have a more specific idea as to what is 'in the works', and when we can approximately expect its implementation (ETAs). Instead, we're left in the dark with no content updates for months on end. Even small things such as weekly events for example would be greatly appreciated. The game has so much potential, but unfortunately only a minuscule portion has actually been acted upon (especially with so many great ideas on the forums - e.g. Guild Wars).
    Last edited: 23 Aug 2017
  14. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Well put out ! Nothing more to add ! ;)
  15. Rango8

    Rango8 Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    The eta they have given us is that everyone's on summer vacation lol
    Bradley Thorinsson likes this.
  16. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Which was an information we got after bugging and annoying miika for a while lol
  17. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    I might be wrong but I'm sure it takes atleast level 40 epic with perks to max speed on a speeder and same for ship and turret agility.

    Also, agility is measured in degrees in this game so I think they have some mathematical constraints in programming it to turn more than 90 degrees speed or something.
  18. Grissle

    Grissle New Member

    7 Jun 2017
    Is this including all crew perks and full epic item perks? I have a maxed T4 Epic turbo on my Mk5 shooter and I'm only at 1.33 with a max of 1.46. Higher level boats are going to have a slower base speed as well.
  19. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Yes. Crew + perks.
    Rare perks : +15%
    Epic perks : +20%
    Add 4 of those and you maximized any boat's speed.

    MK7 has an small increase of speed (very tiny speed bumps) compared to a MK6. If i remember correctly, a shooter MK7 has a 1.48 or 1.49 speed.

    If you get better perks and can maxed out your boat speed, would you upgrade from a T4E to a T5E if there are no advantages whatsoever ? You would be spending resources for basically having a "V" instead of a "IV"
  20. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Well, someone has a T5R maxed out with epic perks + crew and can max out his speeder.
    I assumed a T3E would max it with the correct perks as well (one additional perk coming from rare).
    I may be wrong on the T3E but yes, a T4E (level 40) would max out any boats with the correct perks.

    Then, what's to gain from upgrading a T4 to a T5 ?

    I do have a T5E rudder with rare perks on it and at first, it was difficult to get use to, but now, it feels amazing. You need to be more precise with your joystick though (as in, minimal touch input). Agility is maxed out, and I wouldn't say no to more agility.

    Point is, at a certain tier, a lot of items don't make much sense to upgrade (not speaking about legendary, since it's even worse) due to limitations.

    When new players look at the items shop screen, they will see amazing % gain for certain items, and in reality, when they succeed to have those items, they'll realize it isn't that great.

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