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Make retraining, swap perks more affordable.

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by ArctiC, 11 Apr 2018.


Should the cost of retraining and swapping perks reduced?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. ArctiC

    ArctiC Active Member

    18 May 2017
    Hey battlers!

    1) I'd like to propose the idea of making retraining more affordable compared to the current high cost. Any retraining cost 25 pearls which makes it extremely hard for F2P players to swap between weapons and boats.
    A reduction in retaining cost say 10 pearls, makes much more sense for us to try out new weapons and load outs.

    2) Similarly swapping an epic perk cost another 25 pearls which just seems ridiculous to me even though i'm a paying player. I'd like to propose using gold instead of paying pearls for switching epic perks is much more reasonable and grind-able.

    3) Also i'd like to see an increase in star capacity. Current capacity is 75 stars however not everyone plays everyday but sometimes we play alot. Given the fact that 5 green crates are available each day if star capacity is increased we can hoard stars and buy crates on some other day. Therefore a balance will still be maintained.

    Thread is open to constructive criticism :)
  2. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    The whole retraining system is so stupid it needs a total overhaul man.

    Before we can do any retraining at all we have to wait a week for training to end first. Then if i equip my shooter (12 - 15 hours of retraining) it'll be stuck there for a whole week before I can switch back.

    At the very least after retraining has been done once we should be able to switch instantly between the talents, regardless of current training, or do our crew constantly forget everything they learn?
    Different talent sets per ship would be favourite but I'd be over the moon with any improvements that are, in fact, improvements.
  3. TheFixer27

    TheFixer27 Well-Known Member

    6 Sep 2017
    A boat
    My phone
    You can wait for retraining however
    Unequipping rare perk should cost5 epic cost10
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  4. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I agree, they should definitely make it easier to try out different builds. Trapping people into one build just increases the monotony. It sucks that you have to play 25 pearls just to try out a new perk, and then another 25 to change back when you don’t like it.

    Personally, I think they should just let you train crew skills twice, and then let you swap for free. So that you can switch boat more easily.

    I would like to try out my enforcer, but there are about 10 crew skills I’d need to retrain just to see if I like it, and if I don’t, it means a whole day of retraining again to switch back.
    _devill likes this.
  5. Agile Vanguard

    Agile Vanguard Well-Known Member

    8 Apr 2018
    Random Battle Bay player and tuber.
    In a land far far away...
    I voted yes!
  6. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    A rethink of the talent retraining has been the #1 needed feature since guildquests came about.

    The quests has us changing weapons (and ships) on a daily basis, but retraining can only be done once a week. How about letting us pay a 1 time fee (of pearls, gold or sugar) to unlock additional talent setups? Perhaps something like:
    2nd setup = 500000 sugar.
    3rd = 1mill sugar.
    4th = 1k pearls.
  7. The Friendly Fixer

    The Friendly Fixer Well-Known Member

    1 Feb 2018
    Where all my friends are the Heaven
    I'm always Out of Sugar even to Train My Members :oops:

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