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Love is in Air (Plasma) XD

Discussion in 'The World of Battle Bay' started by super_sonic181, 15 Feb 2019.


You Prefer?

  1. Gatling Gun

  2. Standard Torp

  3. Repair Plasma

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  1. super_sonic181

    super_sonic181 Well-Known Member

    30 Sep 2017
    Somewhere on EARTH!
    Hey Every-One, sonic's here and I got a video on How a Plasma works? Specially when you spam with it! @Undead fixer and I got in Custom Battle (let me know if you wanna join next time) and we spammed Plasma, Gatling Gun and St. Torp and i gotta say Plasma will get OP if you get the talents done for it. Plus i took some awesome screenshots aswell , awesome pics to show and share. Watch Both of'em :p
    1) Valentine's Day Special

    2) Awesome BB Screenshots

    Here's the link of Drive, if anyone of you wanna use this screenshots for YT thumbnail or anything, you're welcome to do so.

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